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Mobile Home Park Home Owners Allegiance


Resident curated news and important information regarding mobile home owners in mobile home parks throughout the State of California.

KS/SCM Information

Business information regarding Sierra Corporate Management (SCM) and its parent company owned by a Kort & Scott (K&S) DBA.

KS Mobile Home Parks

Listing of Mobile Home Parks owned by a Kort & Scott DBA and may be managed by Sierra Corporate Management (SCM).

California MRL

Division 2, Part 2, Chap. 2.5 of the Civil Code. The Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL) is the “landlord-tenant law” for mobilehome parks.

Homeowner Resources

Do you need legal help? Are you searching for an organization in your area that represents mobile home owners? Is your MHP for sale?

General Information

California: Listing of 175 ROCs (Resident Owned Communities). Table of 102 RSOs (Space Rent Stabilization Ordinances). MHP Statistics.

Fri, Nov 22, 2019 – Kabateck LLP attorneys representing hundreds of low-income mobile home residents in Long Beach, CA secured a nearly $57 million settlement, which is the largest settlement ever involving a mobile home park.

A bankruptcy judge approved a $42.5 million settlement for 151 families who filed lawsuits against the defendants, Michael Scott and Lee Kort. Those plaintiffs obtained $6.9 million paid from prior settlements.

As part of the settlement agreement, the mobile home park will be sold and a substantial portion of the proceeds of that sale, at least $7 million, will be divided between many of the residents, even those who are not part of the litigation.