No Park Owner may require, directly or indirectly, that any Homeowner or prospective Homeowner sign a lease or rental agreement that provides that it shall be exempt from local rent control or provides for space rent in excess of that permitted by this Chapter as a condition of tenancy in the park and no Park Owner may deny a tenancy to a prospective purchaser of a mobilehome in the park on the ground that the prospective purchaser will not sign such a lease or rental agreement.
Prior to the conversion of a mobile home park or trailer park or any part thereof to any other use or to a vacant use, the person or entity (hereinafter “the applicant”) proposing such conversion shall file an application with the City and obtain approval from the City of a relocation impact report (RIR) in accordance with the provisions contained in this Section.
The Southern California Mobilehome Owners Alliance (SCMOA) is a community advocacy group for mobilehome owners based in Southern California, which includes the cities below and surrounding unincorporated areas:
RE: Carson, California / Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates
Sat, Dec 2, 2023 – A court-appointed special master on Tuesday, Dec. 12, will begin hearing the individual cases of Carson’s mobile home owners who live at the soon-to-be-demolished Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates, who say the property owner hasn’t offered them fair relocation packages.
The residents, who are set to be evicted to make way for a massive mixed-use development, have until Tuesday to decide whether they want the special master to adjudicate their cases.
The mobile home park, located just southwest of the 405 Freeway, is slated to be demolished soon to make way for a 1,100-unit development, which is being built by Imperial Avalon LLC.
The park was scheduled to closed on Oct. 31. But on that day, the remaining households received a temporary reprieve by bringing a lawsuit against the developer.
Superior Court Judge James Chalfant, who heard the case, granted a temporary restraining order, which halted the park closure and any evictions for about a month.
RE: Carson, California / Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates
Wed, Nov 1, 2023 – The nearly 100 remaining residents of Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates, in Carson, were scheduled to be evicted on Wednesday, Nov. 1 – but instead, they’ve received a temporary reprieve.
A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order on Tuesday, Oct. 31, halting the park’s closure and any evictions for about a month. During that time, the remaining households need to meet with the developer’s relocation specialists team to work out a potential housing solution. A court-appointed mediator will help find a compromise.
An attorney for the residents lauded the decision by Judge James Chalfant, while a lawyer for the developer, Imperial Avalon DE, LLC, also seemed to suggest in a statement that the ruling was a victory for his client.
‘Today was a good day for the remaining residents of the Imperial Avalon mobile home park,’ Tim Tatro, a lawyer representing the residents, told reporters shortly after the court ruling, ‘which is scheduled to close tomorrow.’
Thu, Mar 4, 2021 – Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates has more than 400 seniors who live on a fixed income but now have less than 12 months to relocate after real estate company Faring Capital bought the land to build a mixed-use development.
The decision to close the park was made shortly before the State Assembly Bill 2782 passed. The bill, also known as Mobile Home Rent Control, changes the Mobile Home Residency Law from giving homeowners at least 15 days’ written notice to 60 days, allowing rent control on leases that are more than one year long and more protections for residents.
Two months after the purchase, Faring Capital hired an appraiser to appraise each mobile home. Claire Condon Anderson, mobile home owner since 1983, expressed the insult she felt about the appraisal in a 2020 letter to the city.
To add insult to injury, he and his associate grossly undervalued my home at $37,000 when I have records of similar homes selling recently for $150,000 to $200,000 locally and some were even in this same park,” Condon Anderson said. “If this park must be closed, we want the fair market value for our homes and not just the value of a scrap pile.
Wed, Oct 28, 2020 – For nearly 40 years, Adelina Willis has called the Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates, a 55+ mobile home park in Carson, home.
Like many residents at the park, she’s found friends, community, and, over the years, an affordable way to homeownership. But last year, Willis saw her community in a new light, as she learned her mobile home park had been sold with future plans for a mixed-use development.
They just sent us this letter, and when I read it, oh my God,” she said. “I cried, and my heart really… I’m glad I did not collapse because it hurt so bad.
More than 400 seniors at the Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates, like Willis, are now worried about how they’ll be able to afford and find a new place to live by the park’s closure deadline of January 2022.
Thu, Oct 8, 2020 – A real estate company plans to redevelop a mobile home park in Carson and turn it into a mixed-use development, according to the city.
Dozens of senior citizens who live just down the street from Carson City Hall are voicing their anger and fear over the sale and proposed development of their mobile home park.
Last year, Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates on Avalon Boulevard was bought by Faring Capital – a real estate company – and according to the city, Faring Capital plans to redevelop the property, turning it into a mixed-use development.
The deal with Faring Capital is done. The developer and the city now have to work out the plans on how to ease the fears of the current residents and provide much needed housing units in Carson.
So here’s the timeline – the development of this new project isn't scheduled for at least a couple of years.
Fri, Sep 27, 2019 – On Fri, Sep 20, 2019, residents of Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates (225 Spaces, 55+) in Carson, California received a letter from their new park owners.
Dear Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates Residents: We are the new owners of Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates mobile home park. After careful consideration and internal deliberation, we will need to cease operating the property for mobile homes and begin the process of closing the Park. We intend to explore redeveloping and operating the property for a different use but the closure is not happening immediately; the process will take an estimated 18 to 24 months. Most importantly, our team will be dedicated to identifying and contributing to a suitable alternative living arrangement for you.
Online documents show the new owner(s) as Imperial Avalon LLC which lists both Jason Illoulian of Faring and Frank Zarabi of FAM Brands as Manager(s) or Member(s).
Faring is a progressive real estate firm based in West Hollywood. Our neighborhood-first approach creates beautiful structures that engage and contribute to their surroundings. Faring’s commitment to exceptional architecture and community-building guides our practice.
Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates
21207 South Avalon Boulevard
Carson, California 90745
659 North Robertson Boulevard
West Hollywood, California 90069
FAM Brands
5553-B Bandini Boulevard
Bell, California 90201
Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset.
# | Name | Address | City | ST | Zip | Phone | Spaces | RV1 | RV2 | Type | Rent | Date |
Bel-Aire Park Operated By: Tadashi Kajikawa |
21425 S Avalon Blvd | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-834-1240 | 81 | 0 | 0 | 55 |
376 290 290 268 268 |
02/2025 05/2022 03/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Carson Gardens Trailer Lodge Operated By: Kort & Scott Carson GP LLC Carson MHP Associates LP |
437 W Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-328-0600 | 97 | 0 | 0 | AA |
553 483 472 431 420 |
02/2025 05/2022 04/2019 03/2018 11/2016 |
Carson Harbor Village Operated By: James Goldstein |
17701 S Avalon Blvd | Carson | CA | 90746 | 310-515-0651 | 420 | 0 | 0 | AA |
827 744 744 702 690 683 |
02/2025 05/2022 08/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Colony Cove Mobile Estates Operated By: Colony Cove Properties |
17700 S Avalon Blvd | Carson | CA | 90746 | 310-538-3320 | 420 | 0 | 0 | 55 |
758 652 629 571 545 |
02/2025 05/2022 04/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Country Estates Mobile Home Park Operated By: Robert Kleege |
1502 E Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-834-7109 | 139 | 0 | 0 | AA |
322 322 322 290 290 |
02/2025 05/2022 12/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
E/L Trailer Park Operated By: Judy Fitzpatrick |
807 Lincoln St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-532-6650 | 10 | 0 | 0 | AA |
180 163 163 148 148 |
02/2025 05/2022 08/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Flamingo Gardens Trailer Lodge Operated By: Resident Owned Community (ROC) |
520 E Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-834-7631 | 39 | 0 | 0 | 55 |
350 313 302 292 267 |
02/2025 05/2022 09/2018 03/2018 08/2016 |
Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates Operated By: Imperial Avalon LLC (Faring, Jason Illoulian) |
21207 S Avalon Blvd | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-549-2350 | 225 | 0 | 0 | 55 |
453 453 453 422 380 |
02/2025 05/2022 07/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Imperial Carson Mobile Estates Operated By: Charles Cha |
21111 Dolores St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-830-2664 | 192 | 0 | 0 | AA |
563 502 472 432 432 |
02/2025 05/2022 06/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Laco Mobile Home Park Operated By: Kort & Scott Carson GP LLC Carson MHP Associates LP |
22325 S Main St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-835-7313 | 94 | 0 | 0 | AA |
505 441 431 420 398 |
02/2025 05/2022 04/2019 03/2018 11/2016 |
Nu Way Mobile Home Park Operated By: Nu Way Mobilehome Owners Association |
401 W Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 213-925-2510 | 39 | 0 | 0 | 55 |
240 240 240 240 240 240 |
02/2025 05/2022 05/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Ocean Villa Trailer Park Operated By: Marjorie Cook |
605 W 228th St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 714-593-8337 | 0 | 0 | 21 |
219 219 219 219 219 219 |
02/2025 05/2022 05/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Paradise Trailer Lodge Operated By: Bruce Kleege |
21900 S Martin St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-847-6151 | 84 | 0 | 0 | AA |
405 389 389 374 343 343 |
02/2025 05/2022 09/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Park Avalon Mobile Estates Operated By: Park Avalon Carson LLC |
750 E Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-834-2039 | 133 | 0 | 0 | AA |
507 444 444 427 395 395 |
02/2025 05/2022 09/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Park Granada Operated By: R44 Lending Group |
218 W Carson St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-835-1424 | 26 | 0 | 0 | AA |
405 405 405 405 405 |
02/2025 05/2022 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Park Villa Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Mary Yakura |
21711 S Vera St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-830-8800 | 48 | 0 | 0 | AA |
454 406 406 391 360 318 |
02/2025 05/2022 09/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Rancho Dominguez Mobile Estates Operated By: Carter-Spencer Enterprises |
435 E Gardena Blvd | Carson | CA | 90746 | 310-329-0184 | 81 | 0 | 0 |
566 432 432 416 403 343 |
02/2025 05/2022 10/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Ray Mar Trailer Park Operated By: Victor Peckham |
823 Realty St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-830-3490 | 27 | 0 | 0 | AA |
143 143 143 143 143 143 |
02/2025 05/2022 05/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Shangri Lodge Mobile Home Park Operated By: Stanislaw Dzikowski |
21834 S Grace Ave | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-530-1237 | 46 | 0 | 0 |
494 413 413 391 357 |
02/2025 05/2022 12/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Vera Carson Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Homes on Vera LLC |
21811 S Vera St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-830-3900 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 55 |
433 374 374 351 329 |
02/2025 05/2022 08/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Vista Del Loma Mobile Estates Operated By: Vista Del Loma LLC |
20600 S Main St | Carson | CA | 90745 | 310-532-6650 | 86 | 0 | 0 | AA |
499 435 435 421 407 372 |
02/2025 05/2022 08/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |
Total Spaces: | 2,319 | 0 | 21 |
441 394 390 380 363 347 |
02/2025 05/2022 11/2020 05/2019 03/2018 08/2016 |