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  • Address: 23701 South Western Avenue, Torrance, California 90501
  • County: Los Angeles
  • Phone: 310-326-1000
  • Spaces: 257
  • Type: All Ages
  • 2025 Space Rent: $2,100
  • Refinanced: Jun 2005, Amount: $94,700,000, 4/6 MHP Package
    Loan Type: Fannie Mae FRM, Chad Thomas Hagwood
  • Refinanced: Dec 2013, Amount: $158,000,000, 4/8 MHP Package
    Loan Type: Fannie Mae FRM, Chad Thomas Hagwood
  • Management: Bessire and Casenhiser
  • DBA: Knolls Lodge GP Corp, Knolls Lodge LP
  • DBA Filing: Jan 2002, Oct 2002

2018 Jan – On Tue, Dec 12, 2017, residents from Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park and Knolls Manor filed a Civil Lawsuit (Case No: YC072532, YC072533) against the Kort & Scott companies that own their parks including Sierra Corporate Management. James C. Allen of ASK Law Group is the attorney/law firm representing the residents.

Complaint Summary: Nuisance, Breach of Contract, Breach of Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing (Contract), Intentional Interference with Property Rights, Negligence, Breach of Statutes, Breach of Warranty of Habitability, Breach of Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment, Breach of Unfair Competition Law, Rescission Declaratory and Injunctive Relief.

2017 Sep – Ah, trailer park living! There's nothing like it – animals running wild, trash all over the place, and hillbillies everywhere. I've had the pleasure of living here with my family since I was 2 years old. This is definitely not the place to raise a family of any kind or even to live in general.
Sierra M.

2016 Oct – As of this date, it appears that Drita Bronkey, Abraham Arrigotti’s Personal Assistant, is no longer employed by Sierra Corporate Management (SCM). We’ve confirmed this with multiple sources including a visual inspection of Drita’s mobile home located at Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park in Torrance, California – it is now vacant.
Sierra Corporate Management – Reorganization in Progress?

2016 Sep – All of you that have been stolen from by management and/or owners should sue them either in small claims court or get an attorney to represent all of you. You should be able to get your money and homes back. It sounds like they are illegally giving notice, stealing homes, evicting people, and collecting monies. Please take time to look into their claims/notices and/or get legal advice. Do not let them steal from you and do not leave your home without a court order. Let them go through the eviction process where both parties go in front of a judge. California Legislature has enacted a special set of laws to protect you, known as the Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL) and Recreational Vehicle Occupancy Law. Residents must first be served with the appropriate notices meaning they are required to serve notices in a specific way. FYI, there are legal plans out there that you can pay a small amount monthly, and then when you need an attorney, you have one at your disposal.
Reviews Feedback

2016 Jul – Where do I start? Place is a joke to live. Management changes every year. Cannot hold steady employees possibly because they know how the tenants are treated. It's so hard to sell your mobile home here, you have to go through 50 channels just to get denied, yet you see the same people have no problem buying park owned mobile homes. They walk around and take pictures of furniture/toys/weeds/trash that's not supposed to be there and then give you a notice. So many reasons not to move here.

2015 Nov – We were asked to send you how many mobile homes were for sale in our park. I went out today and counted. We have 19 RV spaces, 8 have RVs for sale, 11 are empty. We have 26 park owned homes and 8 resident owned homes for a total of 34 mobile homes for sale. Altogether, there are 53 spaces up for grabs in Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park – that's 20% of our 257 spaces. I noticed there are still Eviction Notices on some of the park owned homes, I guess they haven't gotten around to preparing those for new buyers, that's if they ever sell. Most of these mobile homes have been up for sale for a long time. All but a handful of the original mobile home owners from 2005 remain, they're stuck here.

2015 Oct – I moved from there on Jul 24, 2015, with notice, have requested refund of security deposit of $499 5 times over the last 2 months, nothing as of yet. On Jun 25, 2015, I gave written notice to vacate RV space 179 IAW rental agreement signed Jun 2012. I have requested status of refund 5 times via phone call with office staff, each time the staff says that I should be receiving it any time and that they will follow up with corporate. Each time they state that they will call me back, this has not happened once. I have a signed rental agreement/refundable security deposit agreement stating that "Refund the amount of the security deposit within 30 days". This has not happened. I keep getting blown off by their office staff and there is no follow up. This is unacceptable. I fully understand that utility costs for the month of July 2015 will be deducted from the original amount of $499, which should be no more than $75 for the month. Desired Settlement: Send my Security deposit back of an estimated amount of $424. Business Response: We did not receive proper 30 day notice from Mr. *******. Consumer Response: I hand delivered written notification on Jun 26, 2015 in letter form to the front office, the employee said that was all she needed.
BBB Business Review

2015 Oct – By the time I found this late notice, which was obscured by being placed under a box on my porch, the allotted time to pay it had come and gone so we had to pay over $3,000 or face a 5 day eviction and lose our $30,000 home. We begrudgingly paid it. This whole ordeal was over a $65 late fee which should NOT have been there in the first place as we got their check to their office in time. When asked, they refused to tell me where and when they found this check. The date on the check was for the day it was supposed to be there.
Dennis J.

2015 Aug – Needless to say I didn't end up buying the mobile home because I couldn't see myself having to deal with the rude staff if I encountered any issues. I felt bad for the owner of the mobile home because it seems like they had a lot of issues with the staff. And the space rent was high compared to other nicer mobile home parks.
Lorraine F.

2015 Jul – The park staff let the other staff members and neighbors steal from the homes that they locked the families out of. The homes were trashed and broken into. Kids toys and valuables were gone. Then they sell the homes, even if the homes were paid for and all the owner was paying was the space rent. They got to kick out the tenants and resell at least 10 homes that I knew of before I left. The rent space went up $200 before my first year there. They refuse to give receipts and then laugh at you if you ask for one or any paperwork that you need copies of.
Nikoli K.

2015 Apr – DO NOT move in here, management is racist, we lived here in this park for 4 years and they raised up the space rent whenever they wanted, sending harassing notes to our property regarding every little thing you could possibly imagine. We couldn’t sell our house, people already knew about this mobile park and believe me, I wish someone would have told me what I was getting myself into before I bought a house here. We ended up losing our house, my husband and I released the title to the lady manager, she laughed hysterically after we signed over the title and just had a nasty attitude towards me and my husband. She was making no sense charging us for two months that we hadn’t even lived in the park plus utilities. I’m not going to get into details but please do your own research before you make a huge mistake.
Michelle H.

2014 Aug – I notified the park that waste was backing up into my mobile home from the park plumbing. At that time they sent a plumber out and it was determined that it was my responsibility. After two weeks of dealing with the issues, I had a fifth plumber out that found the problem. The problem was the pipes in the ground were rusted out and the park had to replace them. I called the health department to get this problem addressed. Sierra Corporate Management hired a plumber and he did a temporary fix and now the pipes have too many curves in them. The primary problem in the ground was never addressed and the only thing they did was change some pipes. For two weeks, every time I look, I have waste water covering my whole floor in both bathrooms and now one of the floors need to be replaced.

2014 Apr – To Whom It May Concern: The following is an addendum to a letter I wrote to several Assemblymen dated April 2, 2008. I will be 81-years of age in June 2014 and was a resident and mobile home owner in Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park from October 1997 until I moved in June 2013.

Increasing high rent increases, pressure to sign a long-term lease, harassment by management (for example, a 14-day notice to tear down an enclosed porch I had put up with no reason given) even though I had permission from a licensed contractor and management to have it constructed and for which I needed an attorney to decide in my favor, garbage bins overflowing and in general, extremely poor park maintenance are just a few of the reasons I felt I had to leave my home.

I sincerely hope something can be done to help mobile home residents live an affordable, peaceful life free from unbridled greed, harassment and intimidation.

2008 Apr – Dear Assemblyman Warren Furutani: This letter is to make you aware of the terrible crisis happening in mobile home parks all over the State of California, in particular, two parks in Torrance, California; Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park and Knolls Manor. Until 10 years ago, these parks were senior parks for low-to-moderate income seniors, those on a fixed income and retired, who could buy a mobile home with an affordable space rent for the land the home sits upon.

Then, a corporation called Kort & Scott Financial Group dba Sierra Corporate Management, bought the land and without notification to the residents, made them all-age parks and immediately began raising the space rents yearly by $79.00 per month! As this process has continued, rent spaces that were between $350 to $400 per month are now $920 to $1200 per month and as you know, Social Security increases do not keep up with these raises. This does not include fees for trash, water, sewer, electricity and gas, plus home repairs for which residents are responsible. As space rent charges go up, maintenance of the parks goes way down. Over half of the seniors who moved in when it was a senior park have already been economically evicted, and those of us still residing here are fearful we will be next. Even the younger families are attempting to move because they also cannot afford to live here.

This greedy corporation says… “We will do whatever the market will bear.” When we protested the continued rent-gouging, a representative of Kort & Scott Financial Group was quoted in the Daily Breeze newspaper as saying, “These people just want a free lunch.” Kort & Scott Financial Group continue to make millions of dollars in profit off of the people living on Social Security and fixed incomes. It is almost impossible to sell our mobile homes, as new tenants will have to pay $1,100 to $1,200 per month space rent.

We do not want a free lunch. We paid for our mobile homes and would like to live out our lives in dignity and peace. There is no place else for us to go. Are you are aware there is little to no affordable housing in Torrance, California. We are desperate to not join the growing thousands of homeless. As my 76 year old neighbor put it, "What am I supposed to do? Take my sleeping bag and go under a bridge and die?" She worked for 35 years in Torrance and retired last year.

We implore you to please make this a priority and give it your immediate attention. It is shameful elder abuse. It is morally and ethically reprehensible. Unfortunately it is legal. Please make it illegal to continue this predatory practice and help us.
Anna Nichols

2007 Dec – For nearly 10 years, I've decried Sierra Corporate Management (Kort & Scott Financial Group) for its unrelenting way of extracting every dime possible from honest, hard-working people who own manufactured homes in every community they control.

Now the city of Torrance and its hardworking taxpayers are going to help what's left of the desperate seniors in Knolls Lodge and Knolls Manor by paying these predators to continue charging exorbitant rents. Just business? No!

This is the worst form of senior abuse. This corporation has raised space rent to more than $1,100 a month plus utilities, forcing 80 percent of seniors, the disabled and low-income families from the affordable homes they owned. That's immoral, disgusting and un-American.

In December of 2006 my vehicle was damaged, while parked in our assigned space, by careless maintenance workers. Neither letters nor phone calls were returned by Sierra Management. We took them to small claims court in July and won. They appealed and lost in September. It is now December and they still haven't paid the court ordered monies.

In May, we left our friends in Knolls Lodge and Knolls Manor and the South Bay. Our lives had become so unbearable due to the harassment, stalking and intimidation inflicted on us by Sierra Management.

They found a “cash cow” in us and now the city of Torrance that deems seniors disposable. What kind of humans are we to condone this disgusting behavior? Should we reward a corporation that thrives on the destruction of human beings?

To my dying day I will not forgive K&S for forcing us to leave Torrance and our many friends. Mayor Frank Scotto, we beg of you to keep up the good work. To our friends and community, we love you.
Leo Lewis

2007 Oct – When the Kort & Scott Corporation bought our senior parks, Knolls Lodge and Knolls Manor in Torrance, and made them all-age parks, space rents began to increase at exorbitant amounts every year. Many senior citizens in our parks on fixed incomes were economically evicted. The residents who still reside here feel vulnerable, and many will not be able to afford decent food and may also become homeless as the rent continues to increase.

Simply put, there is no affordable place to live. The Kort & Scott Corporation only cares about its bottom line, and as their president, Abe Arrigotti, has said many times, “We are a for-profit organization and we will continue to do what the market will bear.” We are not the market, we are people.

Elderly residents are presented with a 20-year lease to sign at a 6 percent a year increase. What kind of consumer price index is this based upon? If they don't sign, they are told their rent space can increase by much more than 6 percent. When do we put people ahead of unreasonable and unfair profit and greed?

It is shameful in this great country and in the city of Torrance that good citizens of moderate to fixed incomes are treated as though they are invisible and not worthy of respect.

If high priced condominiums can be built for those who can afford them, surely there must be a way to provide affordable housing for those of us who worked hard to purchase our homes and only want to live in them with dignity. The residents do not want a handout.

Affordable housing and a reasonable cap on rent would be the first step in avoiding more hungry and homeless.
Anna Nichols

2007 Oct – Nobody sees them leave, nobody hears them. They are ghosts. Here in Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park, there are lots of ghosts. More than 80 percent of the senior population has been wiped out by rapacious park owners.

Punishing rent increases have eradicated almost a whole community of seniors, leaving them homeless and penniless.

No law protected this vulnerable group. No one responded to help them, and now, with only a handful of senior citizens left, total obliteration from their homes is almost guaranteed if there is another onslaught of rent gouging from Kort & Scott.

Where is the outcry and outrage? Where are the politicians and legislators? Do they care? Do they mourn?
Jennifer Ludington

2007 May – Anna Nichols stated that residents of mobile home parks are being economically evicted from their homes due to unfair business practices by the parks’ owners Kort & Scott/Sierra Management, and submitted a petition signed by 300 residents of Knolls Lodge, Knolls Manor and Royal Western, requesting that affordable housing be maintained. She reported that residents were being asked to sign long-term leases with automatic increases much greater than the CPI (Consumer Price Index).

  1. 2019-09-25 – Knolls Lodge MHP and Knolls Manor Residents Settle Lawsuit for $1.25MM
  2. 2019-05-31 – Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park – Change in Management
  3. 2018-03-16 – Kort & Scott DBAs Being Sued by Residents of Knolls Lodge MHP (Updates)
  4. 2018-01-16 – Kort & Scott DBAs Being Sued by Residents of Knolls Lodge MHP
  5. 2017-03-24 – Knolls Lodge Mobile Home/RV Park
  6. 2017-03-04 – Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park – No Guest Parking After 5:00 PM
  7. 2017-02-13 – Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park – 27% Turnover Since Jan 2015
  8. 2016-03-15 – Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park – $750 Home for Sale

Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset. Items with a line through them have been sold. This data does not include all mobile home sales, it only includes those listings which can be found through publicly available resources.

# Date Model BR/BA Size Price Rent Name Address City ST Retailer Agent MLS Sold
2025-01-23 2001 Golden West 7660 KG411A2 2 BR, 2 BA 24x39 $137,000 $1,900 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA Compass Morvarid Sepehrnia, Tadashi Kondo PV25016863 N
2025-01-15 1971 Mobile Home Silvercrest 3 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $60,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 210 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB25009073 N
2025-01-15 1970 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $53,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 106 Torrance CA Fiv Realty Co Jonelle Wimbush, Nazar Kalayji IG25010592 N
2024-12-30 1979 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $145,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 245 Torrance CA H&M Realty Group Andrew Homs OC24255499 N
2024-12-25 1971 Mobile Home Homette 3 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $80,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 124 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB24253865 N
2024-12-11 2024 Fleetwood Canyon Lake 2 BR, 1 BA 15x45 $142,500 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 113 Torrance CA JMS Sales Inc Megan Squires N
2024-11-29 1974 Mobile Home Skyline 3 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $89,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA eXp Realty of Greater Los Angeles Brenda Sanchez, Devoney Nolberto SB24241845 N
2024-11-25 1977 Manufactured Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x36 $49,900 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc John Guzman PW25025144 N
2024-10-10 1973 Mobile Home Homette 2 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $55,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA Century 21 Jervis & Associates Abraham Aguilar DW24211051 N
2024-10-02 2024 Fleetwood Canyon Lake 2 BR, 2 BA 24x47 $185,900 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 202 Torrance CA JMS Sales Inc Megan Squires N
2024-09-23 2024 Fleetwood Coronado 3 BR, 2 BA 26x43 $179,900 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 164 Torrance CA JMS Sales Inc Megan Squires N
2024-09-11 2006 Manufactured Home GP482P 3 BR, 2 BA 19x51 $159,600 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 213 Torrance CA Home Team Realty Megan Squires SB24181337 N
2024-11-25 1960 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x48 $50,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 247 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB24148412 Y
2024-11-14 1977 Manufactured Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x36 $25,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties Antonio Castelan Arroyo SB24091094 Y
2024-11-08 1999 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x44 $86,200 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 77 Torrance CA eXp Realty of Greater Los Angeles Ahjah Pinchem 24-439047 Y
2024-08-16 2007 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $155,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 241 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Eric Orantes SB24069668 Y
2024-08-06 1974 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $32,500 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB24138849 Y
2024-07-15 2023 Fleetwood Canyon Lake 20442L 2 BR, 2 BA 24x40 $169,000 $1,950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 19 Torrance CA Galaxy Homes Aaron Okola Y
2024-02-01 1986 Skyline PSP703A 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $109,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 205 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Nancy Arredondo HD23134769 Y
2024-01-29 1964 Mobile Home Hillcrest 3 BR, 1 BA 24x48 $55,000 $1,900 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 220 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23187384 Y
2023-12-15 2002 Manufactured Home 7252GP481P 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $119,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 1 Torrance CA Century 21 Realty Masters Claudio Dasilva DW23192680 Y
2023-10-09 2005 Manufactured Home GP48IP 2 BR, 2 BA 19x48 $99,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 186 Torrance CA Naush Lalani, Broker Naush lalani PW23111164 Y
2023-09-27 1970 Silvercrest 3 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $93,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 197 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23082659 Y
2023-09-07 2007 Skyline Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $100,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 146 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23107820 Y
2023-07-31 1981 Somerset 3 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $115,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 184 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23112793 Y
2023-06-26 2003 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x58 $110,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 91 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties Brenda Jurado SB22246000 Y
2023-06-20 1977 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $70,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 244 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB22256957 Y
2023-05-31 2003 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $145,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 229 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23030438 Y
2023-05-05 1976 Skyline Homette 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $67,500 $1,738 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 115 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Hector Benavidez DW23041879 Y
2023-04-24 2000 Manufactured Home 7945 OR440A8 3 BR, 2 BA 22x44 $117,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 188 Torrance CA Century 21 Astro Saisamorn Pitavasana RS23025845 Y
2023-03-08 1982 Manufactured Home 1 BR, 1 BA 14x61 $18,500 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 116 Torrance CA Movoto Inc Marivel Costanza, Richard Costanza SB22221398 Y
2023-02-24 2022 Golden West GPII2440-1B 2 BR, 1 BA 24x42 $179,900 $1,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 165 Torrance CA 5 Star Homes Aaron Okola Y
2022-12-19 1972 Signature 2 BR, 2 BA 20x57 $100,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 221 Torrance CA Movoto Inc Marivel Costanza Kuenstler, Richard Costanza SB22160389 Y
2022-12-16 1961 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 10x46 $22,877 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 72 Torrance CA Keller Williams Realty Donna Popoca SB22155309 Y
2022-12-15 1975 Palmdale 2 BR, 2 BA 24x52 $57,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 198 Torrance CA Keller Williams Realty Brenda Moreno SB22219645 Y
2022-10-21 1974 Golden West 3 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $65,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 173 Torrance CA Century 21 Allstars Jeovanny Gonzalez DW22017559 Y
2022-10-14 2001 Golden West 2 BR, 2 BA 24x39 $120,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB22178552 Y
2022-07-12 1976 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 960 $31,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 258 Torrance CA Nueva Real Estate Pablo Leyva DW22111900 Y
2022-07-06 2006 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x47 $120,000 $1,750 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 235 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB22087705 Y
2022-06-06 1969 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $58,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 224 Torrance CA Realty ONE Group United Edy Cordova DW22006572 Y
2022-06-01 2007 Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x42 $85,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 169 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21249573 Y
2022-05-12 1971 Silvercrest 3 BR, 2 BA 20x49 $85,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 260 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21193150 Y
2022-04-11 1984 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 14x40 $20,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 132 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21208702 Y
2022-03-30 2000 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $70,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 9 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21237947 Y
2022-02-01 1970 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $30,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 204 Torrance CA Harcourts Hunter Mason Realty Priscilla French SB22003301 Y
2022-01-20 1969 Homette 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $90,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 110 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21218741 Y
2021-12-30 1973 Homette 2 BR, 1 BA 24x52 $45,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21238015 Y
2021-11-22 1967 Mobile Home 3 BR, 1 BA 20x52 $91,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 54 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc La Joy Rimson SB21143816 Y
2021-11-12 1971 Great Lakes 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $51,500 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 121 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21156380 Y
2021-09-16 2000 Infinity 3 BR, 2 BA 24x40 $117,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 194 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21125992 Y
2021-08-31 1971 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $65,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 216 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21158123 Y
2021-08-17 2006 Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $80,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 145 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21114456 Y
2021-07-27 1967 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $33,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 218 Torrance CA Keller Williams Pacific Estates Pablo Fuerte DW21091619 Y
2021-03-26 2007 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $98,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 241 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20235096 Y
2021-03-01 1974 Golden West 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $40,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 173 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20244458 Y
2021-01-15 1974 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x45 $14,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 248 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20206306 Y
2020-12-28 1971 Mobile Home 3 BR, 1.75 BA 20x44 $50,000 $1,411 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 124 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20206674 Y
2020-11-20 1965 Commodore 2 BR, 1 BA 16x50 $15,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20206290 Y
2020-11-19 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $55,000 $1,650 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 70 Torrance CA Keller Williams Palos Verdes Rebecca Thiedeman SB20212715 Y
2020-08-11 2010 Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 21x40 $61,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 170 Torrance CA Keller Williams SELA Jennifer Avellan DW20123527 Y
2020-07-30 1977 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x36 $15,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20090860 Y
2020-05-15 1962 Kaufman Broad 1 BR, 1 BA 10x50 $10,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 206 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19261495 Y
2020-04-30 1969 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $80,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 225 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Cynthia Alvarez DW20040018 Y
2020-04-24 2009 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 23x50 $32,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 14 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20044760 Y
2020-04-17 1968 Golden West Villa West 2 BR, 1.5 BA 20x42 $55,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 211 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20022987 Y
2020-03-27 1984 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $12,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 111 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20042720 Y
2020-03-12 1982 Manufactured Home G0C323 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $45,000 $1,473 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 10 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB19279169 Y
2020-02-18 1967 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $15,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 218 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20018087 Y
2020-01-10 1986 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $20,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 205 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19265489 Y
2019-12-12 2002 Manufactured Home 7252G0PP481P 2 BR, 2 BA 21x48 $75,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 1 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB19219898 Y
2019-12-09 2006 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 22x50 $75,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 79 Torrance CA RE/MAX College Park Realty Cynthia Alvarez DW19216044 Y
2019-12-05 1978 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $25,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 226 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19264094 Y
2019-11-27 1968 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $20,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 193 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19259668 Y
2019-10-23 1964 Hillcrest 3 BR, 1 BA 24x48 $35,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 220 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB19203069 Y
2019-10-18 1999 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x44 $26,900 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 77 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19230407 Y
2019-04-01 1970 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $80,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 207 Torrance CA RE/MAX College Park Realty Cynthia Alvarez DW19056738 Y
2019-03-18 1976 Mateo 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $40,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 192 Torrance CA TNG Real Estate Consultants Cynthia Alvarez DW18274600 Y
2018-12-05 1975 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $21,900 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 209 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC18237103 Y
2018-11-29 1965 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 10x54 $10,000 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 13 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC18237130 Y
2018-11-08 1981 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x56 $39,000 $1,667 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 232 Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Ana Orellana SB18196895 Y
2018-10-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 99 Torrance CA Michelman & Robinson Evictions Thomas D. Barker Y
2018-10-19 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 1,020 $85,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 213 Torrance CA TNG Real Estate Consultants Cynthia Alvarez DW18222014 Y
2018-10-18 1971 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x53 $38,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 210 Torrance CA TNG Real Estate Consultants Cynthia Alvarez DW18200767 Y
2018-10-03 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA $35,000 $1,562 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 70 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Laura Marquez DW18161333 Y
2018-08-01 2006 Skyline Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $62,500 $1,656 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 146 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Cynthia Alvarez DW18142176 Y
2018-08-01 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $29,000 $1,325 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 118 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Cynthia Alvarez DW18153408 Y
2018-06-20 1979 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x50 $11,500 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 65 Torrance CA J&R Homes Rick Olson Y
2018-05-30 2005 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 1,200 $63,000 $1,462 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 71 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Cynthia Alvarez DW18127756 Y
2018-05-01 2000 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $40,500 $1,484 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 178 Torrance CA Home Team Realty Lynn Brennan SB18060804 Y
2018-04-19 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 237 Torrance CA Michelman & Robinson Evictions Thomas D. Barker Y
2018-04-10 1970 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $19,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 204 Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Cynthia Andrews SB18031626 Y
2018-03-14 1975 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $13,900 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 150 Torrance CA J&R Homes Rick Olson Y
2018-03-04 2007 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $79,900 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 12 Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Dora Arbe Y
2018-02-23 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $14,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 90 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC17262930 Y
2018-01-29 1999 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x44 $15,900 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 77 Torrance CA J&R Homes Rick Olson Y
2018-01-26 1981 Paramount 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $23,750 $1,437 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 187 Torrance CA Keller Williams South Bay Coral Sandoval-Eldred SB17225444 Y
2018-01-19 2004 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $22,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 229 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC17273418 Y
2017-12-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2017-11-01 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $79,700 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 66 Torrance CA Home Team Realty Yasna Rosso SB17150622 Y
2017-10-10 1989 Paramount Bayshore 2 BR, 1.75 BA 20x48 $32,000 $1,455 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 203 Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Cynthia Andrews SB17063344 Y
2017-10-03 2004 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x46 $54,900 $1,300 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 117 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing Y
2017-07-06 1986 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $19,995 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 205 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2017-06-20 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 68 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2017-06-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 148 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2017-05-17 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 63 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2017-04-03 1976 Skyline 1 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $40,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Cynthia Andrews Y
2017-03-21 1978 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $32,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 190 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties Josephine Velasco PW16136279 Y
2017-02-01 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 165 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions Robert M. Dickson Y
2017-02-01 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 85 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-12-05 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 224 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-12-01 2005 Skyline 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $65,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 109 Torrance CA Mobile Home Agents Jean Kim Y
2016-11-30 1975 Palmdale 2 BR, 2 BA 24x52 $23,500 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 198 Torrance CA Century 21 Champions Norma Quezada DW16159613 Y
2016-10-17 1977 Palmdale 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $17,500 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-10-06 2006 Cavco 2 BR, 2 BA 15x52 $32,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 44 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-09-16 2005 Skyline 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $65,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Torrance CA Realty Source Sue Cobb Y
2016-09-02 2004 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x46 $95,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 117 Torrance CA Century 21 Amber Realty Marcia Downs Y
2016-08-26 1974 Skyline 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $16,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-08-24 1973 Homette $19,135 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-07-26 1965 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 20x49 $18,500 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-26 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $26,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 90 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-26 1968 CMIC 2 BR, 1 BA 24x55 $7,500 $950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 8 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-26 1962 Kaufman Broad 1 BR, 1 BA 10x50 $7,500 $950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 206 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-24 1968 Gold Medal 2 BR, 1 BA 12x50 $12,000 $950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 152 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-23 1972 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $25,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 162 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-19 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $6,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 90 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-07-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 135 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-06-27 1963 Kit 1 BR, 1 BA 20x55 $10,804 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 61 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2016-06-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-06-24 2004 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $55,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 229 Torrance CA Vanderbilt Mortgage For Sale By Lender Y
2016-06-16 1972 Bainbridge 2 BR, 1 BA 24x58 $1,750 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-13 1971 Silvercrest 2 BR, 2 BA 20x49 $15,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-13 1968 Gold Medal 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $9,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-13 1990 NPMC 1 BR, 1 BA 28x50 $5,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 100 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-13 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $9,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 159 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-13 1963 Panorama 1 BR, 1 BA 24x46 $5,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 148 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-13 1965 Crestwood 1 BR, 1 BA 20x48 $2,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 65 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-06-07 2006 Cavco 2 BR, 2 BA 15x52 $12,737 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 44 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-05-31 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $15,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 135 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Josephine Velasco PW16022655 Y
2016-05-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 61 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-05-17 1977 Palmdale 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $11,843 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2016-05-06 1971 Silvercrest $15,583 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 260 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Jonathan C. Bond Y
2016-05-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 44 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-04-14 1963 Panorama 1 BR, 1 BA 24x46 $5,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 148 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-03-30 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-03-10 1974 Biltmore 2 BR, 2 BA 24x48 $11,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 262 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-03-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 260 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-02-19 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 170 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-02-11 1975 Homette $13,855 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 141 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-01-29 1983 Silvercrest 1 BR, 1 BA 14x44 $7,500 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 128 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2016-01-29 2005 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $45,000 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 208 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson, David Thomson OC15217946 Y
2016-01-27 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 25 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-01-15 1968 Gold Medal $5,948 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 158 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2016-01-11 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 22 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-01-08 2001 HBOS $8,263 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 93 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2015-12-23 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $6,076 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 159 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2015-12-15 1973 Homette 1 BR, 1 BA 15x50 $22,721 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 130 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2015-12-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 141 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-12-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 162 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-11-02 2006 Skyline Palm Harbor $12,978 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 170 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2015-10-16 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-09-29 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 52 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-09-28 1965 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 20x49 $10,137 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Jonathan C. Bond Y
2015-08-27 1976 Homette $6,318 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 20 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2015-08-17 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-07-02 1985 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $12,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 196 Torrance CA Century 21 Amber Realty Ora Lee Day SB14236137 Y
2015-06-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 13 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-05-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 97 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions Ryan J. Egan Y
2015-04-29 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 236 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-04-29 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 139 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions Jonathan C. Bond Y
2015-02-23 2006 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 1,164 $57,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 79 Torrance CA Family Homes David Franzoni Y
2015-02-14 1984 Skyline Palm Springs 2 BR, 2 BA 24x44 $20,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 85 Torrance CA Keller Williams Realty Coral Sandoval-Eldred Y
2015-02-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 178 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-02-05 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 138 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-01-16 2000 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 24x38 $29,900 $1,300 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA Nationwide Real Estate Execs Martha Mitre PW14211512 Y
2015-01-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 55 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2014-12-20 1973 Homette 1 BR, 1 BA 15x50 $2,500 $1,350 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 130 Torrance CA Real Innovate Realty Karyn Loos Anderson SB14188365 Y
2014-11-02 2008 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 960 $69,900 $925 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 56 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2014-10-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 46 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2014-08-24 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $69,900 $950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 66 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2014-07-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 124 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2014-06-20 2008 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 1,000 $79,900 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 241 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2014-05-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 218 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2014-02-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 97 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2014-01-01 19** Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA $2,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 22 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2014-01-01 19** Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA $7,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 106 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2014-01-01 1984 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 14x40 $10,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 132 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2013-12-03 1991 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 14x46 $5,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 98 Torrance CA RE/MAX Estate Properties Jared Yutronich PV13215066 Y
2013-11-25 1984 Skyline Palm Springs 2 BR, 2 BA 24x44 $20,500 $1,123 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 85 Torrance CA Keller Williams South Bay Coral Sandoval-Eldred SB13059689 Y
2013-10-02 1977 Palmdale 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $10,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2013-10-02 1972 Cameron 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $17,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 201 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2013-09-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2013-09-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 178 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2013-08-01 2007 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $45,000 $851 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 12 Torrance CA RoLen Realty Paul Robertson SB13048378 Y
2013-08-01 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1.75 BA 20x48 $7,500 $1,150 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 52 Torrance CA RE/MAX Execs South Bay Phyllis Amago PV12141878 Y
2013-07-25 1972 Homette 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $7,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 252 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2013-07-09 2006 Skyline Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $39,900 $895 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 146 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2013-07-05 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 24x46 $20,000 $1,225 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 202 Torrance CA Marty's Realty Martin Schneider PV13056895 Y
2013-06-20 1978 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1.75 BA 20x48 $13,000 $1,202 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 99 Torrance CA RE/MAX Estate Properties Jerry Yutronich PV13073367 Y
2013-05-23 2002 Golden West 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $35,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 1 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2013-05-22 1987 Paramount 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $8,700 $1,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 187 Torrance CA Keller Williams South Bay Coral Sandoval-Eldred SB13047136 Y
2013-02-20 1987 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1.75 BA 10x38 $3,000 $1,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 209 Torrance CA Prime Properties Teresa Schweyer V12125856 Y
2013-01-31 1984 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 14x40 $7,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 132 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2012-08-22 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 30 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2012-06-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 121 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2011-11-30 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 37 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2011-11-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 36 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2011-06-21 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 73 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2011-03-15 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 63 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2011-03-15 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 175 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Robin G. Eifler Y
2011-01-27 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 144 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Robin G. Eifler Y
2011-01-27 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 51 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Robin G. Eifler Y
2010-04-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 35 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-10-22 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 197 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-09-18 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-09-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 81 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-09-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 184 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-09-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 206 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-04-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 247 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-03-06 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 18 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2008-07-01 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 188 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2008-03-11 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 21 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2008-03-11 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 114 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2007-05-29 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 176 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2007-05-10 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 228 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-10-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 179 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-10-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-08-30 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 101 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-05-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 66 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-04-28 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 137 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-04-27 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 54 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-02-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 180 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-10-05 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 103 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-08-31 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 235 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-07-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 72 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-06-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-06-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 145 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-05-31 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 169 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-04-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 125 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-01-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 70 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2004-06-15 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2003-11-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 29 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2003-09-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 76 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2003-06-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Michael J. Rubino Y

Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset. Items with a line through them have been sold.

# Date Model BR/BA Size Price Rent Name Address City ST Retailer Agent MLS Sold
2023-12-15 2002 Manufactured Home 7252GP481P 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $119,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 1 Torrance CA Century 21 Realty Masters Claudio Dasilva DW23192680 Y
2019-12-12 2002 Manufactured Home 7252G0PP481P 2 BR, 2 BA 21x48 $75,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 1 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB19219898 Y
2013-05-23 2002 Golden West 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $35,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 1 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2025-01-15 1970 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $53,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 106 Torrance CA Fiv Realty Co Jonelle Wimbush, Nazar Kalayji IG25010592 N
2014-01-01 19** Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA $7,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 106 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2017-10-03 2004 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x46 $54,900 $1,300 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 117 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing Y
2016-09-02 2004 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x46 $95,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 117 Torrance CA Century 21 Amber Realty Marcia Downs Y
2018-03-04 2007 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $79,900 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 12 Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Dora Arbe Y
2013-08-01 2007 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $45,000 $851 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 12 Torrance CA RoLen Realty Paul Robertson SB13048378 Y
2021-11-12 1971 Great Lakes 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $51,500 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 121 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21156380 Y
2012-06-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 121 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2024-12-25 1971 Mobile Home Homette 3 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $80,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 124 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB24253865 N
2020-12-28 1971 Mobile Home 3 BR, 1.75 BA 20x44 $50,000 $1,411 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 124 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20206674 Y
2014-07-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 124 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2018-11-29 1965 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 10x54 $10,000 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 13 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC18237130 Y
2015-06-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 13 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-12-15 1973 Homette 1 BR, 1 BA 15x50 $22,721 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 130 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2014-12-20 1973 Homette 1 BR, 1 BA 15x50 $2,500 $1,350 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 130 Torrance CA Real Innovate Realty Karyn Loos Anderson SB14188365 Y
2022-04-11 1984 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 14x40 $20,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 132 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21208702 Y
2014-01-01 1984 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 14x40 $10,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 132 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2013-01-31 1984 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 14x40 $7,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 132 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-07-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 135 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-05-31 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $15,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 135 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Josephine Velasco PW16022655 Y
2024-11-29 1974 Mobile Home Skyline 3 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $89,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA eXp Realty of Greater Los Angeles Brenda Sanchez, Devoney Nolberto SB24241845 N
2024-08-06 1974 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $32,500 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB24138849 Y
2016-08-26 1974 Skyline 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $16,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2015-10-16 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 136 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-02-11 1975 Homette $13,855 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 141 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2015-12-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 141 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2021-08-17 2006 Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $80,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 145 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21114456 Y
2005-06-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 145 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2023-09-07 2007 Skyline Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x45 $100,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 146 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23107820 Y
2018-08-01 2006 Skyline Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $62,500 $1,656 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 146 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Cynthia Alvarez DW18142176 Y
2013-07-09 2006 Skyline Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x44 $39,900 $895 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 146 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2017-06-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 148 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-06-13 1963 Panorama 1 BR, 1 BA 24x46 $5,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 148 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2016-04-14 1963 Panorama 1 BR, 1 BA 24x46 $5,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 148 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-06-13 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $9,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 159 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2015-12-23 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $6,076 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 159 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2016-07-23 1972 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $25,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 162 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2015-12-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 162 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2023-02-24 2022 Golden West GPII2440-1B 2 BR, 1 BA 24x42 $179,900 $1,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 165 Torrance CA 5 Star Homes Aaron Okola Y
2017-02-01 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 165 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions Robert M. Dickson Y
2022-06-01 2007 Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x42 $85,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 169 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21249573 Y
2005-05-31 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 169 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2020-08-11 2010 Palm Harbor 2 BR, 2 BA 21x40 $61,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 170 Torrance CA Keller Williams SELA Jennifer Avellan DW20123527 Y
2016-02-19 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 170 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-11-02 2006 Skyline Palm Harbor $12,978 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 170 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2022-10-21 1974 Golden West 3 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $65,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 173 Torrance CA Century 21 Allstars Jeovanny Gonzalez DW22017559 Y
2021-03-01 1974 Golden West 2 BR, 1 BA 20x44 $40,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 173 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20244458 Y
2018-05-01 2000 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $40,500 $1,484 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 178 Torrance CA Home Team Realty Lynn Brennan SB18060804 Y
2015-02-09 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 178 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2013-09-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 178 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2023-07-31 1981 Somerset 3 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $115,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 184 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23112793 Y
2009-09-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 184 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2018-01-26 1981 Paramount 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $23,750 $1,437 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 187 Torrance CA Keller Williams South Bay Coral Sandoval-Eldred SB17225444 Y
2013-05-22 1987 Paramount 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $8,700 $1,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 187 Torrance CA Keller Williams South Bay Coral Sandoval-Eldred SB13047136 Y
2023-04-24 2000 Manufactured Home 7945 OR440A8 3 BR, 2 BA 22x44 $117,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 188 Torrance CA Century 21 Astro Saisamorn Pitavasana RS23025845 Y
2008-07-01 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 188 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2023-09-27 1970 Silvercrest 3 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $93,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 197 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23082659 Y
2009-10-22 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 197 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2022-12-15 1975 Palmdale 2 BR, 2 BA 24x52 $57,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 198 Torrance CA Keller Williams Realty Brenda Moreno SB22219645 Y
2016-11-30 1975 Palmdale 2 BR, 2 BA 24x52 $23,500 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 198 Torrance CA Century 21 Champions Norma Quezada DW16159613 Y
2025-01-23 2001 Golden West 7660 KG411A2 2 BR, 2 BA 24x39 $137,000 $1,900 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA Compass Morvarid Sepehrnia, Tadashi Kondo PV25016863 N
2022-10-14 2001 Golden West 2 BR, 2 BA 24x39 $120,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB22178552 Y
2015-01-16 2000 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 24x38 $29,900 $1,300 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA Nationwide Real Estate Execs Martha Mitre PW14211512 Y
2004-06-15 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 200 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2024-10-02 2024 Fleetwood Canyon Lake 2 BR, 2 BA 24x47 $185,900 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 202 Torrance CA JMS Sales Inc Megan Squires N
2013-07-05 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 24x46 $20,000 $1,225 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 202 Torrance CA Marty's Realty Martin Schneider PV13056895 Y
2022-02-01 1970 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $30,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 204 Torrance CA Harcourts Hunter Mason Realty Priscilla French SB22003301 Y
2018-04-10 1970 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $19,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 204 Torrance CA Century 21 Union Realty Cynthia Andrews SB18031626 Y
2024-02-01 1986 Skyline PSP703A 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $109,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 205 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Nancy Arredondo HD23134769 Y
2020-01-10 1986 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $20,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 205 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19265489 Y
2017-07-06 1986 Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $19,995 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 205 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2020-05-15 1962 Kaufman Broad 1 BR, 1 BA 10x50 $10,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 206 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19261495 Y
2016-07-26 1962 Kaufman Broad 1 BR, 1 BA 10x50 $7,500 $950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 206 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2009-09-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 206 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2018-12-05 1975 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $21,900 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 209 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC18237103 Y
2013-02-20 1987 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1.75 BA 10x38 $3,000 $1,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 209 Torrance CA Prime Properties Teresa Schweyer V12125856 Y
2025-01-15 1971 Mobile Home Silvercrest 3 BR, 2 BA 20x54 $60,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 210 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB25009073 N
2018-10-18 1971 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x53 $38,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 210 Torrance CA TNG Real Estate Consultants Cynthia Alvarez DW18200767 Y
2024-09-11 2006 Manufactured Home GP482P 3 BR, 2 BA 19x51 $159,600 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 213 Torrance CA Home Team Realty Megan Squires SB24181337 N
2018-10-19 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 1,020 $85,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 213 Torrance CA TNG Real Estate Consultants Cynthia Alvarez DW18222014 Y
2021-07-27 1967 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $33,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 218 Torrance CA Keller Williams Pacific Estates Pablo Fuerte DW21091619 Y
2020-02-18 1967 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $15,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 218 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20018087 Y
2014-05-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 218 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-01-11 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 22 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2014-01-01 19** Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA $2,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 22 Torrance CA Two Palms Real Estate Drita Bronkey Y
2024-01-29 1964 Mobile Home Hillcrest 3 BR, 1 BA 24x48 $55,000 $1,900 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 220 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23187384 Y
2019-10-23 1964 Hillcrest 3 BR, 1 BA 24x48 $35,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 220 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB19203069 Y
2022-06-06 1969 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $58,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 224 Torrance CA Realty ONE Group United Edy Cordova DW22006572 Y
2016-12-05 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 224 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2023-05-31 2003 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $145,000 $1,800 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 229 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB23030438 Y
2018-01-19 2004 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $22,000 $1,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 229 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC17273418 Y
2016-06-24 2004 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x52 $55,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 229 Torrance CA Vanderbilt Mortgage For Sale By Lender Y
2022-07-06 2006 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 20x47 $120,000 $1,750 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 235 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB22087705 Y
2005-08-31 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 235 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2024-08-16 2007 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $155,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 241 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Eric Orantes SB24069668 Y
2021-03-26 2007 Manufactured Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $98,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 241 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB20235096 Y
2014-06-20 2008 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 1,000 $79,900 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 241 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2024-11-25 1960 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x48 $50,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 247 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB24148412 Y
2009-04-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 247 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2020-11-20 1965 Commodore 2 BR, 1 BA 16x50 $15,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20206290 Y
2016-07-26 1965 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 20x49 $18,500 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2015-09-28 1965 Commodore 1 BR, 1 BA 20x49 $10,137 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Jonathan C. Bond Y
2015-08-17 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 259 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2022-05-12 1971 Silvercrest 3 BR, 2 BA 20x49 $85,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 260 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21193150 Y
2016-05-06 1971 Silvercrest $15,583 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 260 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Jonathan C. Bond Y
2016-03-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 260 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2024-10-10 1973 Mobile Home Homette 2 BR, 1 BA 12x52 $55,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA Century 21 Jervis & Associates Abraham Aguilar DW24211051 N
2021-12-30 1973 Homette 2 BR, 1 BA 24x52 $45,000 $1,600 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc Lisa DiMercurio SB21238015 Y
2016-08-24 1973 Homette $19,135 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-06-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 42 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2016-10-06 2006 Cavco 2 BR, 2 BA 15x52 $32,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 44 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-06-07 2006 Cavco 2 BR, 2 BA 15x52 $12,737 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 44 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2016-05-02 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 44 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2013-09-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2009-09-18 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2006-10-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2005-06-23 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 45 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2016-10-17 1977 Palmdale 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $17,500 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-05-17 1977 Palmdale 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $11,843 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2016-03-30 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2013-10-02 1977 Palmdale 2 BR, 1 BA 20x40 $10,000 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Western Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2003-06-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 49 Torrance CA Michael J. Rubino Y
2015-09-29 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 52 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2013-08-01 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1.75 BA 20x48 $7,500 $1,150 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 52 Torrance CA RE/MAX Execs South Bay Phyllis Amago PV12141878 Y
2021-11-22 1967 Mobile Home 3 BR, 1 BA 20x52 $91,000 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 54 Torrance CA West Shores Realty Inc La Joy Rimson SB21143816 Y
2006-04-27 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 54 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2016-06-27 1963 Kit 1 BR, 1 BA 20x55 $10,804 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 61 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Sean G. O'Hair Y
2016-05-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 61 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2017-05-17 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 63 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2011-03-15 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 63 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2018-06-20 1979 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x50 $11,500 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 65 Torrance CA J&R Homes Rick Olson Y
2016-06-13 1965 Crestwood 1 BR, 1 BA 20x48 $2,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 65 Torrance CA Tri Palms Ventures Drita Bronkey Y
2017-11-01 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $79,700 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 66 Torrance CA Home Team Realty Yasna Rosso SB17150622 Y
2014-08-24 2006 Mobile Home 3 BR, 2 BA 20x50 $69,900 $950 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 66 Torrance CA Superior Manufactured Housing David Brokaw Y
2006-05-12 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 66 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2020-11-19 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA 20x40 $55,000 $1,650 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 70 Torrance CA Keller Williams Palos Verdes Rebecca Thiedeman SB20212715 Y
2018-10-03 1974 Mobile Home 2 BR, 2 BA $35,000 $1,562 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 70 Torrance CA Intero Real Estate Services Laura Marquez DW18161333 Y
2005-01-24 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 70 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2022-12-16 1961 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 10x46 $22,877 $1,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 72 Torrance CA Keller Williams Realty Donna Popoca SB22155309 Y
2005-07-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 72 Torrance CA Dowdall Evictions Terry R. Dowdall Y
2024-11-08 1999 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x44 $86,200 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 77 Torrance CA eXp Realty of Greater Los Angeles Ahjah Pinchem 24-439047 Y
2019-10-18 1999 Manufactured Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x44 $26,900 $1,450 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 77 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV19230407 Y
2018-01-29 1999 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1 BA 16x44 $15,900 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 77 Torrance CA J&R Homes Rick Olson Y
2019-12-09 2006 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 22x50 $75,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 79 Torrance CA RE/MAX College Park Realty Cynthia Alvarez DW19216044 Y
2015-02-23 2006 Golden West 3 BR, 2 BA 1,164 $57,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 79 Torrance CA Family Homes David Franzoni Y
2017-02-01 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 85 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-02-14 1984 Skyline Palm Springs 2 BR, 2 BA 24x44 $20,500 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 85 Torrance CA Keller Williams Realty Coral Sandoval-Eldred Y
2013-11-25 1984 Skyline Palm Springs 2 BR, 2 BA 24x44 $20,500 $1,123 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 85 Torrance CA Keller Williams South Bay Coral Sandoval-Eldred SB13059689 Y
2018-02-23 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $14,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 90 Torrance CA J&R Real Estate Rick Olson OC17262930 Y
2016-07-26 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $26,000 $1,200 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 90 Torrance CA Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes Joshua Lukasiewicz Y
2016-07-19 1975 Meteor 2 BR, 2 BA 20x48 $6,700 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 90 Torrance CA Hart King Auctions Ryan J. Egan Y
2024-11-25 1977 Manufactured Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x36 $49,900 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA eXp Realty of California Inc John Guzman PW25025144 N
2024-11-14 1977 Manufactured Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x36 $25,000 $2,100 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties Antonio Castelan Arroyo SB24091094 Y
2020-07-30 1977 Mobile Home 1 BR, 1 BA 12x36 $15,000 $1,400 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA Coldwell Banker Leaders Romelio Mora CV20090860 Y
2017-12-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 94 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2015-05-07 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 97 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions Ryan J. Egan Y
2014-02-04 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 97 Torrance CA Hart King Evictions John H. Pentecost Y
2018-10-25 Eviction Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 99 Torrance CA Michelman & Robinson Evictions Thomas D. Barker Y
2013-06-20 1978 Mobile Home 2 BR, 1.75 BA 20x48 $13,000 $1,202 Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park Space 99 Torrance CA RE/MAX Estate Properties Jerry Yutronich PV13073367 Y

Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset.

# Name Address City ST Zip Phone Spaces RV1 RV2 Type Rent Date
ABC Wishing Well
Operated By: Wolf Bypass Trust
20315 S Denker St Torrance CA 90501 310-533-5080 34 0 0 AA 950 07/2024
Allstate Trailer Village Court
Operated By: Patricia Franich
1925 Crenshaw Blvd Torrance CA 90501 805-296-8540 27 0 0 AA 07/2024
Del Amo Gardens
Operated By: Del Amo Gardens Partnership
Les Frame Management
20566 Palm Way Torrance CA 90503 310-371-1427 98 0 0 AA 1,250 07/2024
Garden State Trailer Park
Operated By: Celtic Partners
22325 S Vermont Torrance CA 90502 310-645-8230 20 0 0 AA 07/2024
Golden State Mobile Lodge
Operated By: Daniel C. Fischer
FIG Golden State LLC
Golden State Mobile Lodge LP
22600 S Normandie Ave Torrance CA 90502 310-320-3454 53 0 0 AA 1,800 07/2024
Harbor Trailer Park
Operated By: Stanislaw Dzikowski
22503 Meyler St Torrance CA 90502 909-593-5031 34 0 0 AA 1,100 07/2024
Idle Wheels Trailer Park
Operated By: 228 TP LLC
1201 W 228th St Torrance CA 90502 310-378-5743 20 0 0 AA 960 07/2024
Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park
Operated By: Kort & Scott
Bessire and Casenhiser Inc
Knolls Lodge GP Corp
Knolls Lodge LP
23701 Western Ave Torrance CA 90501 310-326-1000 257 0 0 AA 2,100 07/2024
Knolls Manor
Operated By: Kort & Scott
Bessire and Casenhiser Inc
Knolls Lodge GP Corp
Knolls Lodge LP
24200 Walnut Ave Torrance CA 90501 310-326-1000 73 0 0 AA 2,200 07/2024
Lido Mobile Home Park
Operated By: Starlight Management-17 LP
22404 S Normandie Ave Torrance CA 90502 818-444-9366 28 0 0 AA 1,000 07/2024
Normandie Mobilehome Park
Operated By: Wayne Yang
21104 S Normandie Ave Torrance CA 90502 626-353-1341 54 0 0 AA 07/2024
Rainbow Mobile Home Park
Operated By: Kort & Scott
Bessire and Casenhiser Inc
722 Rainbow Associates LLC
Rainbow MHP Associates LP
Rainbow Uppertier Associates LLC
715 W 220th St Torrance CA 90502 424-271-7626 52 0 0 AA 950 07/2024
S K Mobile Home Park
Operated By: Sadao Kajikawa
22335 S Vermont Ave Torrance CA 90502 310-320-0361 44 0 0 AA 1,025 07/2024
Skylark Torrance Mobile Home Park
Operated By: Dolores Stockton
1820 Torrance Blvd Torrance CA 90501 310-328-6381 33 0 0 AA 650 07/2024
Skyline Mobile Park
Operated By: Skyline Park LLC
John Saunders
2550 Pacific Coast Hwy Torrance CA 90505 805-296-8540 265 0 0 55 1,900 07/2024
South Bay Mobile Estates
Operated By: 18801 Hawthorne LLC
18801 Hawthorne Blvd Torrance CA 90503 310-518-5220 99 0 0 55 1,450 07/2024
Southwood Mobile Estates
Operated By: Ralph Commiso
20550 S Earl St Torrance CA 90503 310-371-5444 48 0 0 AA 1,200 07/2024
Starlite Trailer Park
Operated By: Karolin Riglin
21926 S Vermont Torrance CA 90501 310-618-1740 75 0 0 55 900 07/2024
Torrance Gardens Mobile Home Park
Operated By: Torrance Park LLC
22516 S Normandie Ave Torrance CA 90502 949-752-5181 62 0 0 55 1,050 07/2024
Torrance Mobilehome Park
Operated By: Torrance MHP
1900 Artesia Blvd Torrance CA 90504 310-329-1674 66 0 0 AA 1,200 07/2024
Total Spaces: 1,442 0 0 1,276 07/2024

If you would like to share your story, submit a review, and/or information regarding Knolls Lodge Mobile Home Park, click/tap the Review button. If you would like a response from the MHPHOA, please indicate that in your comments.

If you have documents, images, videos, etc., indicate that in your comments and we will forward you instructions for sending those materials to us. All reviews and materials are vetted prior to posting. Thank you in advance for sharing.