Toxic Chemical Secretly Dumped in El Cajon – Making Residents Sick
Sat, Feb 1, 2020 –
Several El Cajon residents believe a toxic chemical in the ground is making them sick. The Department of Toxic Substances Control addressed their concerns at a community meeting held at Magnolia Elementary School Saturday evening.
Representatives with the agency explained Senior Aerospace Ketema (formerly Ametek) had secretly dumped thousands of pounds of a chemical degreaser into a pit, resulting in trichloroethylene – or TCE – exposure. The chemical then got into the ground water and contaminated the soil and indoor air.
The contamination is affecting Magnolia Elementary and three nearby mobile home parks.
During the meeting, agency representatives listed symptoms associated with TCE exposure, which include headache, dizziness, skin irritation, bronchial irritation and blurry vision.
Andrew Nomura, Fox 5 San Diego
Ametek Granted Partial Judgment in Alleged Ground Contamination Case
Thu, May 10, 2018 –
The owners of mobile home parks were not able to immediately claim compensatory damages after they alleged a nearby facility dumped toxic waste on its property.
The court stated that Ametek pointed out the plaintiff Greenfield MHP Associates LP, et al. are not allowed to be rewarded compensatory damages grounded on any potential remediation costs for the future. The district court decided the case will proceed under the notion that if the plaintiffs do win at trial when it comes to Ametek’s alleged liability, the district court will move forward with the new information in mind.
The legal issues between the parties began after the mobile home parks' owners filed a lawsuit against Ametek and Senior Operations LLC after a manufacturing facility allegedly contaminated the ground after it released toxic chemicals, including more than 500,000 gallons of liquid waste into the soil and water by 2003. The plaintiffs allege a plume extended beyond the facility's boundaries and contaminated soil and groundwater under the mobile home parks. An expert pointed out that if the plume was not remediated, it could impact the plaintiffs' properties for 185 years, the court's decision states.
Charmaine Little / Northern California Record
El Cajon Toxic Plume Still a Problem for Mobile Home Residents
Fri, Feb 23, 2018 –
Ana Hayes moved into her home at the Starlight Mobile Home Park in El Cajon in 1969. It’s where she raised her three children, and it’s where she and her husband still live.
Hers is one of the 457 mobile homes that sits above a toxic groundwater plume that residents first learned about in October 2016, though state officials and the company responsible for the contamination knew about it in the late 1980s.
So far, 151 homes in the Starlight, Greenfield and Villa Cajon mobile home parks have been tested, and 63 more are expected to be tested this year.Lawsuits Filed Against Ametek
The lawsuits allege that Ametek “knowingly, willfully and intentionally failed” to stop the contamination from spreading and possibly affecting nearby homes and businesses. Fiske told inewsource one of the primary goals of the lawsuits is to provide medical monitoring for the people living and working on the plume who may have been exposed to TCE.
Last year, Ametek asked the court to hold the owners of the mobile home parks liable along with Ametek. The company said the owners knew about the contamination and never told the residents. The judge ruled against Ametek.
Ingrid Lobet / inewsource
Every Home Located on Toxic Plume in El Cajon Should be Tested
Mon, Jun 12, 2017 –
There is no doubt now that some residents of two mobile home parks in El Cajon have been exposed to toxic gas seeping into their homes from a plume of contaminated groundwater. Recent air testing and a newly released health risk study make that clear.
Residents of the Starlight Mobile Home Park and Greenfield Mobile Home Estates will have their first chance this week to question public officials since the testing of 17 initial homes.
Ingrid Lobet / inewsource
Starlight Mobile Home Park – El Cajon TCE Contamination Updates
2016 Dec –
This email follows up on our recent correspondence regarding soil contamination in El Cajon. We have finished investigating the presence of TCE in the area and, unfortunately, will not be pursuing the matter further.
If you recall, a class action lawsuit was filed in 2015 by another local law firm for teachers and students of Magnolia Elementary School exposed to contaminated soil gas. The development of that lawsuit will likely inform whether or not a similar claim can be made on behalf of the residents in the area. Given the pending litigation, we have decided not to pursue additional legal action at this time.
Please be aware that if you decide to pursue individual claims concerning the contamination, those claims are governed by a statute of limitations. This means that a person like yourself has a certain length of time to bring a lawsuit against the party that you believe is responsible for the harm you suffered. Statutes of limitations range among the different states and the causes of action you might wish to pursue. The statute of limitations can be as short as one year from injury, or even shorter if the government is a responsible party. They are also often halted, or stayed, when a class action is pending. Consequently, it is important that you promptly seek other legal counsel if you wish to pursue a legal claim.
Erin Brockovich to Investigate Toxic Plume in El Cajon
Thu, Nov 17, 2016 –
Attorney Erin Brockovich will be investigating the allegations of a toxic plume of groundwater in an El Cajon neighborhood, according to a post on her Facebook page.
El Cajon residents say the plume is making the people living in the Starlight Mobile Home Park sick. The mobile home park sits above the plume.
‘We moved in November of last year, but we became so ill, summer gets worse.’ said Stephanie Jordan. ‘The hotter it gets, the more fumes you get.’ Until just a few months ago, Jordan had no idea she was living over a plume of toxic groundwater.
According to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, the groundwater has been polluted with cancer-causing chemicals for decades and can emit toxins into the air above via toxic vapors.
Two of the toxic chemicals present in the vapors are Trichloroethylene, also known as TCE, and Tetrachloroethlene, known as PCE.
Emily Thode / KGTV San Diego
El Cajon Residents Pack Meeting on Toxic Plume
Thu, Nov 17, 2016 –
State officials were just minutes into their presentation about an underground chemical plume in El Cajon when homeowners began raising questions: ‘Have you tested it?’ a voice came from the back. ‘How are we going to sell our homes?’ asked another.
Residents of the Starlight and Greenfield Mobile Homes Estates, along with other neighbors – some 60 in all – nearly filled a Magnolia Elementary School auditorium Wednesday evening.
Ingrid Lobet / inewsource
Mobile Homes in Starlight Mobile Home Park to be Tested
Mon, Oct 31, 2016 –
Residents in an El Cajon neighborhood are just finding out their homes have been sitting above a shallow, toxic plume for more than half a century.
Even after all this time, no one knows whether trichloroethylene and other chemical vapors have seeped up from tainted groundwater and entered homes through cracks in concrete. There has been no testing.
Now that is changing. In the last few days some residents of the Starlight Mobile Home Park on East Bradley Avenue have received visits from state officials offering to test the air in their homes. The state will also test the air outside.
For Anne Beams, a former Department of Defense teacher who has lived at Starlight since the 1980s, the developments come as a surprise.
‘No one at the park ever brought it to our attention,’ she said. Until this week, she was unaware of the plume. It’s a legacy of a 20th century aerospace manufacturing plant that once operated several hundred feet away.
‘Doesn’t it sound as though they were very slow in making those of us in Starlight aware of what could be happening to us all these years?’ she said of state authorities.
Ingrid Lobet / inewsource
Toxic Plume in El Cajon Reaches Beneath Kort & Scott Mobile Homes
2016 Oct –
On Thu, Oct 20, 2016, an article was published in inewsource regarding a toxic plume of TCE (Trichloroethylene) reaching beneath mobile homes. The article mentions a mobile home park in El Cajon, California but no specifics are provided.
The MHPHOA investigated further and it appears that two (2) Kort & Scott owned mobile home parks are affected; Starlight Mobile Home Park and Greenfield Mobile Home Estates. Both mobile home parks have mobile homes that are within the 1,000 μg/liter contour. No action and little testing have taken place there – until now. Here are some key snippets from the article…
The California Department of Toxic Substances Control issued a notification Thursday, October 6, 2016 after a contractor tested soil there and found TCE levels that left no doubt further testing should be done.
We collected data near the mobile homes along the property boundary and concentrations were detected at 5 feet below ground surface that are at level that may result in what we consider a significant risk to residents,” said Shahir Haddad, a supervising engineer for DTSC.
Several people at the mobile park said they’ve not been told that the plume runs under their homes. Most did not want to give their names.
Residents at the mobile park will be told of the testing results. The county water board is arranging a location and time, the agency’s Sean McClain said in an email.
Ingrid Lobet / inewsource
2018 Jul –
Super high rent that just keeps getting higher every year. There is very little guest parking and if you leave your car parked in front of your house for even a few minutes, the tow truck that prowls the park multiple times a day, will tow you in seconds. You have to pay for a key to the pool which was supposed to be part of what we get for our super high space rent. The new manager seems cool but the company he works for is greedy and wants to do very little for their residents. Plus, I’m pretty sure we are in the middle of that “toxic plume”. I mean that should lower our rent right? It's a clean and safe park though, so that’s one plus.
Shuron S.
2018 Apr –
Man this place has some of the worst management a manufactured home community can have. The current manager they have is so lazy that she doesn’t even bother to try to get the correct meter readings for water and electricity that are located in the backyards. She’d rather guess and charge us a crazy amount of rent and have the guts to lie to our face. They even charge extra to use the swimming pool. Rent goes up every 6 months. If you have guests come over, they wouldn’t be able to find parking inside the park. Oh, if you happen to live there and want to move and sell your home, they make it so impossible for you to sell your house at a high value because rent is already at $1,400 average. Well, I can rant all day because the place is just horrible. I HOPE THIS HELPS. AND I HOPE THIS PLACE DO GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER!
Kobe B.
2018 Mar –
DO NOT LIVE HERE, hopefully you’re reading this prior to buying a house here. The management is horrible, when Alex was a manager at least it wasn’t as bad, but a new management got there and prices go up literally every 6 months or so. When I started living there rent was $1,000 a month. We are up to $1,300, NO UTILITIES INCLUDED and they charge for everything they can. Now you even have to buy your own key to the pool and God forbids you try to sell your manufactured home, again they will make it impossible until you owe more than the value of the house and they can OWN IT. Also, they are in a lawsuit with the engineering company next door who contaminated all the land from which you grow trees and your kids might be playing at. There’s hundreds of other mobile home parks – CHOOSE WISELY and don’t live here.
Alejandra A.
2015 Oct –
One example of a truly heartless company is Sierra Corporate Management, who has made a racket out of buying senior mobile home parks and turning them into "family parks". They will raise the rent dramatically in the first year, and continue to do so until people are paying an exorbitant amount of money for what amounts to be a slab of concrete with plumbing. These extreme space rent costs are destroying the resale value of these mobile homes for their owners – and are essentially altering the real estate market in favor of profiteers. The cost of displacing senior citizens ultimately falls on families and the taxpayer base as a whole – whereas before, the mobile home-owning senior citizen could live independently on a fixed income.
Rocky 2020
2014 May –
This place is horrible! Drita Bronkey, the saleswoman, will tell you anything just to get you to buy a home. Once you do, they’re so rude to you. They will jack prices up so that you can’t afford it. After we bought a home here we had to pay 7 years back registration fees because they never took care of it. They are scam artist. You can ask any of the residents that live there.
Jax S.
Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset. Items with a line through them have been sold. This data does not include all mobile home sales, it only includes those listings which can be found through publicly available resources.
# | Date | Model | BR/BA | Size | Price | Rent | Name | Address | City | ST | Retailer | Agent | MLS | Sold |
2025-01-25 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x54 | $180,000 | $1,775 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 139 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty Phelan | Chelsea Velez, Tiago Lima Da Silva | IV25015406 | N | |
2024-12-12 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x48 | $149,900 | $1,810 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 138 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Vidave Vazquez-Sanchez | PTP2407530 | N | |
2024-08-19 | 1970 Mobile Home Fleetwood | 2 BR, 1.5 BA | 24x40 | $129,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 123 | El Cajon | CA | Real Broker | Maribel Cano Ramirez | PTP2405612 | N | ||
2024-08-12 | 2000 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 32x40 | $189,000 | $1,775 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 114 | El Cajon | CA | ROA California Inc | Erick Ciprian | PTP2501446 | N | |
2025-01-17 | 1998 Manufactured Home | 4 BR, 2 BA | 1,292 | $120,000 | $1,600 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 8 | El Cajon | CA | CA-RES | Ruben Aceves, Leonardo Garcia | PTP2407738 | Y | |
2024-11-05 | 1972 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $151,500 | $1,645 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 102 | El Cajon | CA | Real Broker | Maribel Cano Ramirez | PTP2405428 | Y | |
2024-03-05 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x63 | $174,750 | $1,645 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 147 | El Cajon | CA | ShoppingSDHouses | Andres Santana Blasco, Carlos Elizondo | PTP2400145 | Y | |
2023-10-04 | 2000 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x52 | $198,000 | $1,586 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 118 | El Cajon | CA | Real Broker | Claudia Zaker | PTP2303797 | Y | |
2023-05-12 | 1973 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 20x48 | $90,000 | $1,600 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 161 | El Cajon | CA | Rock Realty | Vincent Huerta | PTP2207314 | Y | |
2023-03-30 | 1988 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $145,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 44 | El Cajon | CA | Sand & Sea Realty Inc | Crystal Estrada | 230001534 | Y | |
2023-01-13 | 1970 Bayshore | 3 BR, 1 BA | 24x60 | $160,000 | $1,500 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 51 | El Cajon | CA | Century 21 A Better Service | Pablo Sanchez, Marco Otero Ramirez | DW22216627 | Y | |
2022-11-02 | 2000 Karsten | 3 BR, 2 BA | 27x60 | $190,000 | $1,559 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 1 | El Cajon | CA | eXp Realty of California Inc | Mike Aqrawi | PTP2205324 | Y | |
2022-08-10 | 1967 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $158,000 | $1,550 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 56 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Vidave Vazquez-Sanchez | PTP2205402 | Y | |
2022-05-11 | 1980 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 17x80 | $85,000 | $1,335 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 77 | El Cajon | CA | Rock Realty | Vincent Huerta | PTP2202171 | Y | |
2021-10-18 | 1982 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,200 | $60,000 | $1,440 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 150 | El Cajon | CA | Sellstate Next Gen Realty | Nicole Turner | PTP2106931 | Y | |
2021-08-27 | 1970 Artic La Cruz | 4 BR, 2 BA | 24x57 | $50,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 76 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Nora Rocha | PTP2104503 | Y | |
2021-08-11 | 1983 Golden West Canterbury | 2 BR, 1 BA | 20x48 | $52,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 41 | El Cajon | CA | Big Block Realty Inc | Madeline Guerra | PTP2100675 | Y | |
2021-05-10 | 1973 Domus | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $120,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 49 | El Cajon | CA | Community First Strategies | Samuel Webster | 200053905 | Y | |
2020-11-19 | 1988 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $55,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 44 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Jae Anne Flores | PTP2000401 | Y | |
2020-01-17 | 2001 Fleetwood Sunpoint | 3 BR, 2 BA | 27x57 | $72,000 | $1,300 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 67 | El Cajon | CA | Pacific Manufactured Homes | Sherry Midtsatre | Y | ||
2019-09-25 | 1967 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 1,368 | $32,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 56 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | 10629274 | Y | ||
2019-05-04 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,344 | $48,500 | $1,325 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 20 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Carrie Green | Y | ||
2019-04-02 | 1971 Mobile Home | 4 BR, 2 BA | 1,440 | $80,000 | $1,300 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 52 | El Cajon | CA | Compass | Tony Elias, Christian Meno | 180061353 | Y | |
2018-08-18 | 1970 Artic La Cruz | 4 BR, 2 BA | 24x57 | $34,000 | $1,300 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 76 | El Cajon | CA | Bay Bridge Realty | Jefferson Atkins | 180035032 | Y | |
2018-06-23 | 1971 Budger | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $76,500 | $1,333 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 57 | El Cajon | CA | Pacific Manufactured Homes | Sherry Midtsatre | Y | ||
2018-05-27 | 2002 Redman | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,120 | $35,000 | $1,399 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 96 | El Cajon | CA | Lily's Mobile Homes | Musab Jabar | Y | ||
2018-05-16 | 1971 Santa Anita | 2 BR, 2 BA | 20x40 | $22,150 | $1,350 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 48 | El Cajon | CA | Thrive Real Estate | Joe O'Meara | 180015458 | Y | |
2018-03-30 | 1973 Kenwood | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $35,000 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 30 | El Cajon | CA | Lily's Mobile Homes | Lily Pigg | Y | ||
2018-03-27 | 1972 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 1,440 | $19,950 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 164 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty Chula Vista | Alex Obeso | Y | ||
2018-03-16 | 2000 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,344 | $34,000 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 118 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Y | |||
2017-12-05 | 1995 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 13x60 | $64,900 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 23 | El Cajon | CA | Advantage Homes | Diana Bahena | Y | |||
2017-11-08 | 1996 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,709 | $125,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 27 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Elizabeth Galarza | 170047651 | Y | ||
2017-08-25 | 1971 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 1,344 | $66,000 | $1,250 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 29 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Elizabeth Galarza, aby Gonzalez | 170037515 | Y | |
2017-08-18 | 1983 Golden West Canterbury | 2 BR, 2 BA | 20x48 | $31,900 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 41 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | |||
2017-04-07 | 1971 Madison | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $28,500 | $1,269 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 37 | El Cajon | CA | Realty Executives All Area | Lyle Caddell | 160064988 | Y | |
2016-12-16 | 1973 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 1,032 | $23,900 | $1,346 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 140 | El Cajon | CA | Lily's Mobile Homes | Musab Jabar | Y | ||
2016-08-08 | 1969 Kaufman Broad | 3 BR, 1 BA | 775 | $15,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 54 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty | Alejandro Obeso Jr. | Y | |||
2016-07-11 | 1973 Kenwood | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $30,000 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 30 | El Cajon | CA | Century 21 Award | Gary Ryerson | 160032174 | Y | |
2016-07-09 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | $27,500 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 89 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty | Alejandro Obeso Jr. | Y | ||||
2016-05-24 | 1998 Fleetwood | 3 BR, 2 BA | 26x64 | $40,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 27 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty | Krystal Westcott | 160020181 | Y | ||
2016-04-28 | 1971 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 1 BA | 20x40 | $21,500 | $1,200 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 100 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | ||
2015-08-10 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $10,500 | $1,230 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 12 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | ||
2015-07-20 | 1973 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,344 | $22,000 | $1,100 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 90 | El Cajon | CA | Century 21 Award | Lydia Seeley | 150031068 | Y | |
2015-05-11 | 1973 Domus | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $8,000 | $1,279 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 49 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | ||
2015-02-05 | 1971 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 1 BA | 20x40 | $12,000 | $1,006 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 100 | El Cajon | CA | Lily's Mobile Homes | Lily Pigg | Y | ||
2014-09-16 | 1971 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $37,500 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 91 | El Cajon | CA | Pacific Manufactured Homes | Tom Reynoso | Y | |||
2014-06-27 | 1998 Mobile Home | 4 BR, 2 BA | 1,292 | $34,500 | $1,082 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 8 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty | Clark Ransom | 130062270 | Y | |
2014-01-01 | 19** Bayshore | 2 BR, 1 BA | 24x60 | $7,500 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 51 | El Cajon | CA | Two Palms Real Estate | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2014-01-01 | 19** Fleetwood | 2 BR, 2.5 BA | 24x60 | $16,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 64 | El Cajon | CA | Two Palms Real Estate | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2014-01-01 | 19** Sturgis | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x55 | $22,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 97 | El Cajon | CA | Two Palms Real Estate | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2014-01-01 | 19** Lancer | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x55 | $19,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 130 | El Cajon | CA | Two Palms Real Estate | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2013-12-17 | 1970 Guerdon | 2 BR, 2 BA | 20x48 | $19,900 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 55 | El Cajon | CA | Pacific Manufactured Homes | Gene Roque | Y | |||
2013-10-02 | 1973 Homette | 3 BR, 2 BA | 20x48 | $12,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 22 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2013-10-02 | 1970 Guerdon | 3 BR, 2 BA | 20x43 | $9,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 137 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2013-10-02 | 1972 Freedom | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x54 | $9,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 143 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2013-08-06 | 1975 Great Lakes | 20x44 | $21,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 85 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y | ||||
2013-07-29 | 1970 Artic La Cruz | 4 BR, 2 BA | 24x57 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 76 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y | ||||
2013-07-22 | 1994 Hallmark | 1,200 | $22,000 | $1,021 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 2 | El Cajon | CA | GNT Financial Services | Lisa Warner | 130011098 | Y | ||
2013-07-11 | 1970 Fleetwood | 2 BR, 2 BA | 12x60 | $25,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 151 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y |
Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset. Items with a line through them have been sold.
# | Date | Model | BR/BA | Size | Price | Rent | Name | Address | City | ST | Retailer | Agent | MLS | Sold |
2016-04-28 | 1971 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 1 BA | 20x40 | $21,500 | $1,200 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 100 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | ||
2015-02-05 | 1971 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 1 BA | 20x40 | $12,000 | $1,006 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 100 | El Cajon | CA | Lily's Mobile Homes | Lily Pigg | Y | ||
2023-10-04 | 2000 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x52 | $198,000 | $1,586 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 118 | El Cajon | CA | Real Broker | Claudia Zaker | PTP2303797 | Y | |
2018-03-16 | 2000 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,344 | $34,000 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 118 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Y | |||
2017-11-08 | 1996 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 1,709 | $125,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 27 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Elizabeth Galarza | 170047651 | Y | ||
2016-05-24 | 1998 Fleetwood | 3 BR, 2 BA | 26x64 | $40,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 27 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty | Krystal Westcott | 160020181 | Y | ||
2018-03-30 | 1973 Kenwood | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $35,000 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 30 | El Cajon | CA | Lily's Mobile Homes | Lily Pigg | Y | ||
2016-07-11 | 1973 Kenwood | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $30,000 | $1,400 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 30 | El Cajon | CA | Century 21 Award | Gary Ryerson | 160032174 | Y | |
2021-08-11 | 1983 Golden West Canterbury | 2 BR, 1 BA | 20x48 | $52,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 41 | El Cajon | CA | Big Block Realty Inc | Madeline Guerra | PTP2100675 | Y | |
2017-08-18 | 1983 Golden West Canterbury | 2 BR, 2 BA | 20x48 | $31,900 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 41 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | |||
2023-03-30 | 1988 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $145,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 44 | El Cajon | CA | Sand & Sea Realty Inc | Crystal Estrada | 230001534 | Y | |
2020-11-19 | 1988 Manufactured Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $55,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 44 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Jae Anne Flores | PTP2000401 | Y | |
2021-05-10 | 1973 Domus | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $120,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 49 | El Cajon | CA | Community First Strategies | Samuel Webster | 200053905 | Y | |
2015-05-11 | 1973 Domus | 2 BR, 2 BA | 24x56 | $8,000 | $1,279 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 49 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | Y | ||
2023-01-13 | 1970 Bayshore | 3 BR, 1 BA | 24x60 | $160,000 | $1,500 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 51 | El Cajon | CA | Century 21 A Better Service | Pablo Sanchez, Marco Otero Ramirez | DW22216627 | Y | |
2014-01-01 | 19** Bayshore | 2 BR, 1 BA | 24x60 | $7,500 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 51 | El Cajon | CA | Two Palms Real Estate | Drita Bronkey | Y | |||
2022-08-10 | 1967 Mobile Home | 3 BR, 2 BA | 24x60 | $158,000 | $1,550 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 56 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Vidave Vazquez-Sanchez | PTP2205402 | Y | |
2019-09-25 | 1967 Mobile Home | 2 BR, 2 BA | 1,368 | $32,000 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 56 | El Cajon | CA | Mobile Home Connection | Rosemary Aljundi | 10629274 | Y | ||
2021-08-27 | 1970 Artic La Cruz | 4 BR, 2 BA | 24x57 | $50,000 | $1,469 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 76 | El Cajon | CA | Coldwell Banker West | Nora Rocha | PTP2104503 | Y | |
2018-08-18 | 1970 Artic La Cruz | 4 BR, 2 BA | 24x57 | $34,000 | $1,300 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 76 | El Cajon | CA | Bay Bridge Realty | Jefferson Atkins | 180035032 | Y | |
2013-07-29 | 1970 Artic La Cruz | 4 BR, 2 BA | 24x57 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 76 | El Cajon | CA | Western Ventures | Drita Bronkey | Y | ||||
2025-01-17 | 1998 Manufactured Home | 4 BR, 2 BA | 1,292 | $120,000 | $1,600 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 8 | El Cajon | CA | CA-RES | Ruben Aceves, Leonardo Garcia | PTP2407738 | Y | |
2014-06-27 | 1998 Mobile Home | 4 BR, 2 BA | 1,292 | $34,500 | $1,082 | Greenfield Mobile Home Estates | Space 8 | El Cajon | CA | Keller Williams Realty | Clark Ransom | 130062270 | Y |
Note: Click/tap on table headings to sort ascending or descending, click/tap the # column to reset.
# | Name | Address | City | ST | Zip | Phone | Spaces | RV1 | RV2 | Type | Rent | Date |
Alta Vista Mobile Home Park Operated By: Alta Vista View LLC |
14291 Rios Canyon Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-744-2215 | 60 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,050 | 07/2024 | |
Anchor Down Mobile Estates Operated By: Anchor Downs Owners Association Inc |
260 E Bradley Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-749-0725 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 675 | 07/2024 | |
Arts Trailer Park Operated By: W. Pulver |
12043 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-448-9033 | 2 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Bella Rosa Mobile Lodge Operated By: Mrs. Low |
1155 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-420-7747 | 35 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Bostonia Trailer Court Operated By: Key Lee |
1009 N 2nd St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-560-5934 | 16 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Cajon Mobile Manor Operated By: Browning & Harrell |
751 Bradley Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-448-7675 | 55 | 0 | 0 | AA | 850 | 07/2024 | |
Chieftain Mobile Park Operated By: PCP Chieftain LP Pacific Current Partners |
187 Ballard St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-439-2260 | 128 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,125 | 07/2024 | |
Circle RV Ranch Operated By: Paydar Properties |
1835 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-440-0040 | 0 | 179 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Country Creek RV Resort Operated By: Holiday Investment Trust |
15141 Hwy 80 | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-0262 | 0 | 58 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Crest Skylodge North Operated By: Robert Jungman |
250 La Cresta Heights Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-232-8772 | 18 | 0 | 0 | AA | 950 | 07/2024 | |
Crestview Heights Operated By: Steven Worley |
320 La Cresta Heights Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-697-3194 | 5 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Crown Trailer Park Operated By: Clayton Henry |
220 Shady Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-439-2260 | 43 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Dahls Mobile Home Park Operated By: W. Pulver |
12035 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-745-5112 | 9 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Eastern Trailer Court Operated By: Gertrude Findley |
213 El Cajon Blvd | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-789-0029 | 33 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
El Cajon Valley Mobile Home Park Operated By: Ronald Miller |
410 S 1st St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-442-4211 | 234 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,100 | 07/2024 | |
El Capitan Mobile Home Park Operated By: PCP El Capitan LP Pacific Current Partners |
1425 E Madison Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-444-4603 | 76 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,200 | 07/2024 | |
El Dorado Mobile Home Park Operated By: Andre Christofer |
9041 El Dorado Pkwy | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-4501 | 51 | 0 | 0 | AA | 900 | 07/2024 | |
Estrada Trailer Park Operated By: Connie Estrada |
12051 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-4443 | 2 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Evergreen Mobile Home Park Operated By: Jerry Hovivian H & H Asset Property Management |
440 Van Houten Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-247-0040 | 70 | 0 | 0 | AA | 875 | 07/2024 | |
Flinn Springs Mobile Home Park Operated By: Flinn Springs Owners Association |
14959 Olde Hwy 80 | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-0071 | 49 | 0 | 0 | AA | 625 | 07/2024 | |
Four Star Mobile Park Operated By: Hunt, Griffin, Gill, Johnson |
12029 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-449-4373 | 4 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Glenview Mobile Lodge Operated By: Lewis Hofman |
13445 E Hwy 8 Bus | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-765-0035 | 51 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Greenfield Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Kort & Scott Greenfield MHP Associates LP Mobilehome Equities Inc Tustin Ranch Partners Inc |
400 Greenfield Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-444-7752 | 167 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,600 | 07/2024 | |
Happy Villa Senior Park Operated By: Happy Villa LLC |
998 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-561-0071 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 900 | 07/2024 | |
Harbison Canyon Estates Operated By: Jim Shafer |
1631 Harbison Canyon Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92019 | 619-445-3754 | 50 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,050 | 07/2024 | |
Heart Ohills Mobile Home Lodge Operated By: Jean McCoy |
13792 Hwy 8 Bus | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-270-0648 | 46 | 0 | 0 | AA | 900 | 07/2024 | |
Horseshoe Trailer Villas Operated By: B & L Properties |
150 S Anza St | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-436-5126 | 92 | 0 | 0 | AA | 950 | 07/2024 | |
Ivy Trailer Park Operated By: Not Listed |
309 Orlando St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-444-8828 | 36 | 0 | 0 | AA | 850 | 07/2024 | |
Juniper Trailer Court Operated By: Ursula Tamplain |
1369 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-439-2260 | 35 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,050 | 07/2024 | |
Las Dos Casitas Operated By: W. Pulver |
12031 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-745-5112 | 2 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Lexington Mobile Estates Operated By: Not Listed |
1430 E Lexington Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-422-5279 | 81 | 0 | 0 | AA | 950 | 07/2024 | |
Los Coches Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Alliance Investment Corp |
13217 Aurora Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-597-4900 | 126 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,100 | 07/2024 | |
Lynnwood Mobile Estates Operated By: El Cajon Trailer Park |
1285 E Washington Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-442-0829 | 194 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,350 | 07/2024 | |
M&M Trailer Park Operated By: Cecil Wilson |
855 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-422-5279 | 20 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Melody Trailer Park Operated By: MMHP LLC |
1313 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-422-5279 | 51 | 0 | 0 | AA | 900 | 07/2024 | |
Monterey Mobile Lodge Operated By: Louise Etchings |
13300 E Los Coches Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-4443 | 118 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,150 | 07/2024 | |
Mount Helix View Estates Operated By: Mt Helix View Estates |
1105 W Chase Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-588-7977 | 47 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Oak Glen Village Operated By: Norm Sangalang |
15105 Olde Hwy 80 | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-3632 | 15 | 0 | 0 | AA | 700 | 07/2024 | |
Olive Acres Trailer Park Operated By: Evdokia Gednov |
503 N First St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-749-2895 | 75 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 750 | 07/2024 | |
Olive Springs Villa Operated By: Steve Whorle |
1347 Pepper Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92019 | 619-477-9895 | 8 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Palms Mobile Home Park Operated By: Evanco Realty Advisors Inc |
212 S Second St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-444-3979 | 65 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 775 | 07/2024 | |
Paradise Trailer Court Operated By: Miles Kasik |
1346 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-749-2895 | 37 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Park Place Operated By: Wade Enniss |
8120 22 Royal Park Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-4192 | 2 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Pecan Park Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Resident Owned Community (ROC) |
14215 Pecan Park Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-758-0572 | 128 | 0 | 0 | AA | 850 | 07/2024 | |
Pepper Villa Mobile Home Park Operated By: Myron Lyon |
1315 Pepper Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-296-6333 | 90 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,150 | 07/2024 | |
Pepperwood Mobile Home Park Operated By: Pepperwood Park LLC |
1120 Pepper Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-444-7752 | 182 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,350 | 07/2024 | |
Rancho Canada Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Mellco |
8557 Rancho Canada Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92121 | 619-745-5112 | 70 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Rancho Laguna Estates Operated By: Louis Vallone |
13655 Hwy 8 Business | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-728-1500 | 113 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,200 | 07/2024 | |
Rancho Mesa Mobile Home Park Operated By: MHC Financing LP Two |
450 Bradley Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-279-0411 | 158 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,575 | 07/2024 | |
Rancho Sierra Mobile Home Park Operated By: George Percy |
10001 Dunbar Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-3176 | 29 | 0 | 0 | AA | 850 | 07/2024 | |
Rancho Valley Village Operated By: Manufactured Home Communities Inc |
12970 Hwy 8 Bus | El Cajon | CA | 92040 | 619-443-4443 | 140 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,675 | 07/2024 | |
Redwood Trailer Park Operated By: Redwood Mobile Estates Ltd |
1117 Redwood Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-469-4697 | 22 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Rios Mobile Home Park Operated By: Rios & Kelso |
9741-9743 Hawley Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-0323 | 2 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Rios Mobile Manor Operated By: Not Listed |
14360 Rios Canyon Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-597-4900 | 80 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,000 | 07/2024 | |
Royal Estates Operated By: Gerald Fick |
12505 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-745-5112 | 100 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,050 | 07/2024 | |
Royal Park Manor Operated By: William Hicks |
8147 Royal Park Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-4443 | 8 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Royal Three Operated By: William Hicks |
8120 28 Royal Park Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-4192 | 3 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Royal View Gardens Operated By: Resident Owned Community (ROC) |
1351 Pepper Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-7839 | 76 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 625 | 07/2024 | |
Safari Mobile Lodge Operated By: Safari Associates |
1174 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-444-2470 | 184 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 925 | 07/2024 | |
Sahara Mobile Lodge Operated By: Julia Rundlett |
1345 E Madison Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-442-3950 | 71 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,275 | 07/2024 | |
Sequams Mobile Home Park Operated By: W. Pulver |
12033 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-745-5112 | 2 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Shady Lane Trailer Park Operated By: Shirley Watkins |
244 Shady Ln | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-440-1294 | 41 | 0 | 0 | AA | 900 | 07/2024 | |
Shangri La Operated By: Joseph Ellis |
14012 Hwy 8 Bus | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-390-0505 | 10 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,100 | 07/2024 | |
Singing Hills Mobile Estates Operated By: John Noble |
1810 Hillsdale Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92019 | 619-442-8207 | 104 | 0 | 0 | AA | 950 | 07/2024 | |
Starlight Mobile Home Park Kort & Scott Davis Group Exchange LLC Starlight Exchange LLC Starlight MHP LLC |
351 Bradley Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-745-5689 | 162 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,700 | 07/2024 | |
Terrace View Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Terrace View Partners LP |
13162 Hwy 80 | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-744-2215 | 205 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,400 | 07/2024 | |
The Knolls Mobile Home Estates Operated By: Mann Normansivia |
12530 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-448-0244 | 64 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,150 | 07/2024 | |
The Meadows Operated By: Resident Owned Community (ROC) |
15420 Old Hwy 80 | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-443-5070 | 260 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 310 | 07/2024 | |
Tradewinds Trailer Court Operated By: Cobra 28 LP |
13720 Hwy 80 | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-0071 | 23 | 0 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Turn In Trailer Park Operated By: Jo Watkins |
205 S Second St | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-247-0040 | 37 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,500 | 07/2024 | |
Vacationer Traveler Trailer Park Operated By: Essex Property Trust Inc |
1581 E Main St | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-442-0904 | 0 | 157 | 0 | AA | 07/2024 | ||
Villa Cajon Operated By: Villa Cajon Associates LLC |
255 E Bradley Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-447-0706 | 126 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,450 | 07/2024 | |
Villa Novia Operated By: Villa Novia Mobile Home |
1440 S Orange Ave | El Cajon | CA | 92020 | 619-449-3300 | 136 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 1,500 | 07/2024 | |
Vista Del Cajon Mobile Home Park Operated By: Vista Del Cajon MH Park |
12250 Vista Del Cajon | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-232-8772 | 50 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,200 | 07/2024 | |
Vista Royal Operated By: Resident Owned Community (ROC) |
12506 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-9002 | 18 | 0 | 0 | AA | 350 | 07/2024 | |
Westward Ho Operated By: Michael Windie |
12044 Royal Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-583-3440 | 129 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,375 | 07/2024 | |
Whispering Meadows Mobile Home Park Operated By: Constance Speight |
12690 Jackson Hill Dr | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-561-1778 | 40 | 0 | 0 | AA | 900 | 07/2024 | |
Woodcreek Estates Operated By: Woodcreek Estates LLC |
15935 Spring Oaks Rd | El Cajon | CA | 92021 | 619-466-7716 | 209 | 0 | 0 | AA | 1,375 | 07/2024 | |
Total Spaces: | 5,434 | 394 | 0 | * 1,092 | 07/2024 |
* Average Space Rent Excludes HOA Fees. Space Rents obtained from 2-3 MLS “For Sale” and “Sold” Listings.
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