Resident curated mobile home owners news and information for residents of Mobile Home Parks owned by Kort & Scott (KS) companies. The MHPHOA also provides news coverage for Mobile Home Parks not owned by KS companies.
Click/tap the story headlines to open a link to the full original story and/or media such as streaming video from City Council Meetings. Story headlines with are inline news stories.
Clicking or tapping links with a caret (kar-it, carrot) will expand/show additional content and change to to collapse/hide content. Content that is collapsed/hidden will not print.
Tue, Jan 31, 2017 – One question that has been continually asked by residents is how can the Real Estate Agents sell mobile homes in Kort & Scott parks knowing what is happening and what the outcome may be? If they were Realtors, they may be in violation of their licensing requirements and Code of Ethics which states this…
REALTORS® having direct personal knowledge of conduct that may violate the Code of Ethics involving misappropriation of client or customer funds or property, willful discrimination, or fraud resulting in substantial economic harm, bring such matters to the attention of the appropriate Board or Association of REALTORS®.
But, these are not Realtors that we are discussing, these are individuals who have an HCD Occupational License which allows them to legally sell mobile homes in the State of California. The Occupational Licensing Program is administered exclusively by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
The MHPHOA believe that the high volume retailers in Kort & Scott owned mobile home parks have “direct personal knowledge” of the park owner’s predatory business practices.
The MHPHOA believe these high volume retailers should have their Occupational Licenses revoked. It is time to put a stop to this predatory business model and it all starts with the sales of mobile homes.
Mon, Jan 30, 2017 – We are currently tracking 900+ mobiles homes in the KSFG/SCM inventory. We have acquired sales information for the KSFG/SCM mobile home parks and will post additional data once vetted.
BHPH 1/3 Evict 2/3 Auction 3/3 Sell Turnover
Note: 3 Step Process – Step 1: Eviction, Step 2: Auction, Step 3: For Sale
Real-Time Dataset: Tue, Mar 11, 2025
Sun, Jan 29, 2017 – The MHPHOA have reviewed and vetted over one-thousand (1,000) Mobile Homes for Sale listings (850+ Displayed) in mobile home parks owned by Kort & Scott Financial Group and managed by Sierra Corporate Management. Based on our research, this represents an estimated twenty percent (20%) of the 5,064 mobile home spaces in thirty-three (33) mobile home parks owned by Kort & Scott in California.
The process of researching mobile home sales is a time consuming process. In many instances, important information lawfully required by California Health and Safety Codes commencing with Section 18045, is absent from online mobile home for sale advertisements including but not limited to;
A large percentage of mobile homes sold in Kort & Scott owned mobile home parks are handled via individuals who have obtained an Occupational License (OL) issued by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). These individuals are referred to as Salespeople (SP) and represent a business entity who has a Dealers License (DL) also referred to as a Retailer.
These are not Realtors licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate (CalBRE) although some mobile home Retailers may have Real Estate Licenses in addition to their Occupational Licenses from the HCD.
Dealers and Salespeople selling mobile homes must adhere to the California Health and Safety Codes (HSC) that govern individuals/entities operating with Occupational Licenses issued and overseen by the HCD.
Online advertisements listing mobile homes for sale indicate that Mary Bizzy (DL1074750) and Delia Nazario (SP1285089) from Executive Mobile Homes are transacting mobile home sales in mobile home parks owned by Kort & Scott Financial Group (KSFG) and managed by Sierra Corporate Management (SCM).
Information lawfully required by California Health and Safety Codes commencing with Section 18045, is absent from the below six (6) online mobile home for sale advertisements by Executive Mobile Homes.
Fri, Jan 27, 2017 – After being sworn in by Governor Jerry Brown during the State of the State address Tuesday, former Rep. Xavier Becerra of Los Angeles is now officially California’s Attorney General.
Becerra resigned from his congressional seat in order to fill the vacancy created when previous Attorney General Kamala Harris, was sworn into the U.S. Senate earlier this month.
Attorney General Xavier Becerra –
On Tue, Jan 24, 2017, Xavier Becerra was sworn in as the 33rd Attorney General of the State of California, and is the first Latino to hold the office in the history of the state.
Wed, Jan 25, 2017 Updates – On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 20:25, the City of Santa Clarita voted 5/0 and approved the extension of a moratorium on the conversion/change of any senior mobilehome park to a mobilehome park allowing residents of all ages, for an additional period of 12 months with an expiration date of Sun, Jan 28, 2018.
City of Santa Clarita Council Meeting Agenda Item and Video (Start at 2:03:30)
Section 3, Item C: The conversion of any mobilehome park currently in existence in the City from a park where at least 80% of the full-time residents are individuals 55 years of age and older (a “senior-only” mobilehome park) to a mobilehome park accepting residents of all ages is prohibited for an additional period of 12 months from the expiration date of Ordinance No. 16-04.
Measures Taken: 8. City staff received a number of complaints of park spaces being rented to households in which there was not an individual over 55 years of age. City staff continues to monitor the status of the senior parks and to investigate complaints from individuals believing that the moratorium has been violated.
2017-01-24 – Santa Clarita Urgency Ordinance
Mon, Jan 23, 2017 – The Santa Clarita City Council will be holding its regular meeting on Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 6:00 PM. On the Agenda is a consideration of an Urgency Ordinance to extend the moratorium on the conversion/change of any senior mobilehome park to a mobilehome park allowing residents of all ages, for an additional period of 12 months.
On Tue Jan 26, 2016, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance 16-01 which established a 45-day moratorium on the conversion/change of any mobilehome park from a park primarily or exclusively occupied by residents over the age of 55, to a park allowing residents of all ages. On Tue, Mar 8, 2016, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance 16-03, which extended the moratorium for an additional 10 months and 15 days. This item concerns the extension of that moratorium for an additional 12 months.
Conduct the Public Hearing.
The MHPHOA will be monitoring the City Council Meeting to hear what the final vote is. We will have an updated article regarding Sierra Mobile Home Park in Santa Clarita, California (Owned by a Kort & Scott Company) after the meeting is held on Tue, Jan 24, 2017.
Tue, Jan 24, 2017 – The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) launched a new broken website on Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at The new website is based on the Bootstrap framework and is rife with serious technical errors.
The HCD CWO (Chief Web Officer), whomever that may be, failed to perform due diligence prior to launching the new website. They’ve changed document locations (page and file names) and any incoming links to those pages/files are now 404 (Page Not Found). Unfortunately, the 404 page is returning a 200 OK Status which tells the indexers that everything is okay. You would not know that a page/document is no longer available or has moved unless you were visiting the actual linked resource.
This is a major FAIL on behalf of whomever is/was responsible for launching the new borken website.
If you have links pointing to the HCD, it is advised that you verify every single one of them, they have most likely changed without proper notification from the HCD servers. This means you won’t know there is a problem until you actually click on a link to a page or PDF document that used to reside at the link you have on file. This is going to create a major backlash for the HCD when it comes to the indexing entities and those resources who have a large number of links pointing to the old file names.
This is not the first time the HCD has diminished the integrity of their website. There was a new release of the Codes and Standards interface in Oct 2016. During that upgrade, previous information that was available for research is no longer available. Direct links to the Mobile Home Park Complaint Form became non-functional. You now have to start from the CASAS 2 Home Page and drill your way down to the information that you could previously link directly to.
Technical Note: The MHPHOA have spidered the domain and there are thousands (5,500+) of “Page Not Found” errors, we had to stop the crawl at 13% (5,500/48,000+ URIs) due to the number of errors being reported.
The HCD servers are returning a 200 OK Status for these pages/documents which is incorrect, it appears the 404 Handler is misconfigured. This is referred to as a “Webmaster FAIL” of epic proportions.
The MHPHOA Webmasters give the HCD Webmasters an “A” for being Amateurs, a “C” for being Clueless, and an “F” for Failing to follow proper protocols. This is a major technical mistake that may/will have a long-term negative impact on indexing. Let us observe how long it takes the HCDWebmastersHacks to Undo this technical nightmare.
Anonymous CWOCtrl+Z
5 A B H K M P V X
Sun, Jan 22, 2017 – Letters were sent 11/30/16 to lower income residents of Vista Diablo who are receiving the City’s rental subsidy. The letter informs them, for the second time, of the end of the rent subsidy on September 30, 2017. It also includes a list of all subsidized affordable senior housing, as well as information about 211 and the upcoming Tabora Gardens Project.
The source of funding for this subsidy was the former Antioch Development Agency, and the contract terminates at that time. There have been no new funds provided or identified that can be used for this purpose. In addition to the City subsidy ending, the agreement with Sierra Management, the owner of Vista Diablo Mobile Estates to retain the Senior Living nature of this community and limit rent increases will also end in September 2017.
2016-12-02 – City of Antioch – City Manager’s Weekly Report
The MHPHOA will be monitoring the events in Vista Diablo Mobile Estates (Owned by a Kort & Scott Company) leading up to the expiration date of the rent subsidy program and the ten (10) year moratorium on conversion from senior (55+) to an all age park.
2007 Jun – Antioch City Council – The council members expressed their outrage at what’s been going on. ‘It’s elder abuse, it’s terrorizing senior citizens - and it’s got to stop,’ said Mayor Don Freitas. ‘It just simply has to stop. I’m hopeful that the owners will truly sit down in good faith - because I think it’s only been bad faith - and truly negotiate with us.’
Councilman Arne Simonsen said, ‘When you look at the rents that are being charged (for just the land under the mobile home) this is obscene what they are doing. You’re paying a little less than what I pay for a mortgage on land with a house. That’s wrong, that’s totally wrong. I’m very mad at these folks. I think it’s wrong. It gives free enterprise a completely bad name.’
Councilman Jim Davis said, ‘I wanted to voice my total disdain to this management company for their insistence upon, in my mind, wreaking total havoc and discontent from the owners of the individual coaches in the park.’
Councilman Reggie Moore said, ‘I find this very troubling. I believe strongly in corporate responsibility.’
Neither the Vista Diablo owners, a company called Kort & Scott, nor the managers, Sierra Corporate Management represented by Abe Arrigotti, were in attendance at the meeting.
2007 Jan – Councilman Brian Kalinowski – The way this group (Sierra Corporate Management) has been conducting business has been slimy – and that’s being nice. From my perspective, nothing about this smells right. You have 70-plus-year-old seniors signing leases for 20 years or more with an automatic 6% increase in rent each year. How do you do that to someone on fixed income?
Sat, Jan 21, 2017 – We have received several homeowner complaints from multiple Kort & Scott Financial Group owned mobile home parks regarding 3/60 notifications being served for rent payments that were inserted into a Sierra Corporate Management Rent Dropbox and claimed as being late or not received at all.
There have also been recent dropbox thefts (Oct 2016, Nov 2016) that have been reported by residents at multiple Kort & Scott mobile home parks.
Avoid using a dropbox if you have the option of giving your rent directly to a person.
Mobile Home Owner Warning: Using the SCM Rent Dropbox can be hazardous to your financial health.
Fri, Jan 20, 2017 – In October 2015, a 1994 Fleetwood mobile home occupying space [000] in Lincoln Center Mobile Home Park (Owned by a KSFG Company) sold for $21,000. According to online documents, the new homeowner(s) signed the standard twenty-one (21) page, twenty-five (25) year long-term lease.
In April 2016, five (5) months later, an Unlawful Detainer (UD) lawsuit was filed against the new homeowners (Defendants) by Lincoln Center GP LLC (Plaintiffs) by Kevin Scott, authorized representative for Lincoln Center Mobile Home Park. The residents were late with their rent one time and served with a combined 3/60 notice (Pay Rent or Quit).
In August 2016, Lincoln Center GP LLC, represented by Hart King Attorneys at Law, won a Stipulated Judgment against the two (2) homeowners listed in the Unlawful Detainer (UD). That judgment appears to entail the surrender of the mobile home in exchange for no claims ($0) against the homeowners. A Writ of Possession (lockout) date of October 11, 2016 was agreed to by all parties.
Thu, Jan 19, 2017 – What are your chances of selling your “resident owned mobile home” for what it’s worth in a mobile home park owned by Kort & Scott and managed by Sierra Corporate Management? “Slim to none” is the expression we hear when that question is answered by those who have attempted to sell their mobile home for what it is worth and, within a reasonable timeframe.
Many of the resident owned mobile home sales we’ve researched have resulted in the mobile homes being sold for a fraction of their value to a Kort & Scott affiliate and/or being removed from the park by a broker who specializes in purchasing and removing distressed mobile homes.
There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to sell your mobile home in a Kort & Scott mobile home park including but not limited to…
Wed, Jan 18, 2017 – The MHPHOA are currently developing a database of Resident Owned Communities (ROC) aka Resident Owned Parks (ROP) in the State of California. We welcome input from our audience regarding additions and/or corrections to the data currently available. If you’d like to contribute information to the database, please contact the MHPHOA.
Resident ownership of MH parks is a very positive goal, for many reasons. Properly done, converting the park where you live to resident ownership:
GSMOL – Buying Your Park
About two percent of manufactured home communities in the United States are owned by their homeowners as either a subdivision, condo or co-op.
In subdivisions and condos, homeowners own their individual lot and have common ownership of community facilities. In a co-op, homeowners own a share in the co-op which owns the community for the benefit of its shareholders. Both provide homeowners with control over the land under their homes.
Purpose: Finance the preservation of affordable mobilehome parks by conversion to ownership or control by resident organizations, nonprofit housing sponsors, or local public agencies.
Eligible Activities: Purchase (conversion) of a mobilehome park by a resident organization, nonprofit entity or local public agency; rehabilitation or relocation of a purchased park; purchase by a low income resident of a share or space in a converted park or to pay for the cost to repair low income resident’s mobilehomes.
Eligible Applicants: Mobilehome park resident organizations, nonprofit entities, and local public agencies. Low income residents of converted parks apply for individual loans to the entity that has purchased the park.
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
Mon, Jan 16, 2017 – The question of “How much is a lease worth to KSFG/SCM?” has arisen many times. We’ve crunched the raw data and have added a new column to our SCM Space Rent Calculator showing your “Lease Value” or what you will pay for your Space Rent for the duration of your lease. The Lease Value also gives us an all-in starting point for the total value of the Lease Receivables.
The financial incentives (e.g. $1,000.00) being offered by KSFG/SCM to sign a Long-Term Lease Agreement are a pittance compared to the estimated value of the Lease Receivables.
Dear Residents,
I am pleased to send out an invitation to those residents who are currently not on a long-term lease the following offer:
$1,000.00 paid to you directly in a check! Please note, a long term lease must be executed in order to receive the check and will be mailed within two weeks of your signature on the lease agreement itself.
Under the long-term lease, the park is giving up my rights to increase your rents arbitrarily at any time, and you are relying on its inherent stability to greatly reduce the chance of any startling, unexpected rent increases.
Sun, Jan 15, 2017 – 1. The overall condition of the park along with the quality of life have deteriorated considerably since I purchased my mobilehome here in September 2006. This process appears to have begun at the time of the Leasehold Rights purchase by Kort & Scott in January 2005 and has accelerated after the conversion to a Family Park in 2007.
2. Past and ongoing lack of, and failure to, enforce the Tustin Village MHP Rules and Regulations. Items: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 27, 29, 31 and 34. I’ve estimated 100+ Title 25, HCD, and MRL Violations, well beyond the average. Information obtained from the MPM-PI Violation Booklet, Title 25 and the MRL.
3. Park Management itself continues to violate the Tustin Village MHP Rules and Regulations, specifically item number 7 regarding Accessory Equipment, Structures and Appliances, Section B, Sub-Section 8, Item (a) which states (a) Only new, not used, mobilehomes are permitted.
The above are 3 of 6 reasons listed for this resident walking away from their mobile home in Tustin Village Mobile Home Park. This is a 40-page PDF document outlining the deterioration of a Kort & Scott Financial Group mobile home park over the period of nine (9) years, from Jan 2005 thru Nov 2014.
Sat, Jan 14, 2017 – On Fri, Jan 13, 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown’s pick for attorney general, longtime Democratic Congressman Xavier Becerra, won the support of the Assembly Friday morning, moving one step closer to filling a key post left vacant by Kamala Harris’ election to the U.S. Senate.
Becerra, a Stanford graduate from Los Angeles, would be the first Latino to hold the position. His supporters described him as “a fighter” with insight into Washington who will use the law to defend California’s progressive policies on climate change, immigration, civil rights and other issues.
The Mercury News
Tue, Jan 3, 2017 – Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today stepped down as California Attorney General and was sworn in to the United States Senate in Washington, D.C. Before resigning, Attorney General Harris named Kathleen “Kate” Alice Kenealy Chief Deputy Attorney General. Kenealy will lead the California Department of Justice as Acting Attorney General until such time as Governor Brown’s selected candidate, Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-LA), is confirmed by the state legislature as California’s next Attorney General.
Wed, Dec 7, 2016 – All through his career, unpredictability has been the hallmark of Gov. Jerry Brown, and he did it again by choosing 12-term Democratic Rep. Xavier Becerra of Los Angeles as California’s next attorney general.
Becerra, 58, instantly becomes California’s top-ranking Latino politico. He’s not saying, but he could run for election to his new office on his own in 2018, or he could run for governor against the declared likes of Democrats Newsom, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, state Treasurer John Chiang and possibly so-far undeclared Republicans like San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer or outgoing Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin.
Thu, Dec 1, 2016 – Becerra announced Thursday he would be leaving Congress to serve as California’s attorney general, a move that takes the senior Democrat out of Washington but not off the front lines of the battle against the Trump administration.
California Gov. Jerry Brown named Becerra to the spot Thursday opened up by the departure of Kamala Harris, who won a US Senate seat this November. Becerra will need to be confirmed by California’s Legislature and the nomination will be made official once Harris resigns.
Fri, Jan 13, 2017 – The MHPHOA is a group of current and previous mobile home owners who live in, or have lived in, a mobile home park owned by a Kort & Scott Financial Group (KSFG) company and managed by Sierra Corporate Management (SCM) or another named DBA (Doing Business As).
Our purpose is to provide mobile home owners with news and information regarding their mobile home park and the ongoing business activities of KSFG and SCM.
Please read our Information Disclaimer. We do our best to provide information that is accurate and timely. Our sources of information are publicly available and are curated by a group of knowledgeable mobile home owners both past and present.
Thu, Jan 12, 2017 – Molds release tiny spores and even smaller particles that travel through the air. Everyone inhales some mold every day without apparent harm; however, molds can cause allergy, irritation or inflammation, or rarely, infection. Allergic reactions are the most well-recognized responses to inhaling mold spores, and some people are more sensitive to the effects of dampness mold. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that individuals not sensitized to mold may experience health effects.
We know that dampness and mold cause health effects both in allergic and non-allergic people. If you can see mold, water damage, or moisture, or smell mold, there is at least some increased health risk. The more extensive or severe the dampness and mold, the greater the risk of health effects. We do not know whether specific types of mold are responsible, or whether bacteria or chemical emissions related to dampness also cause some of the health problems.
California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
Wed, Jan 11, 2017 – On Thu, Oct 20, 2016, we reported on two (2) new DBAs filed by Kort & Scott; Briarwood Associates LP and Briarwood GP LP. Our initial suspicion of an impending mobile home purchase in Sacramento, California was correct. In Oct 2016 Kort & Scott purchased Briarwood Mobile Home Park located at 2950 Routier Road in Sacramento, California 95827.
Thu, Oct 20, 2016 – On Thu, Sep 15, 2016, Kort & Scott filed two (2) new DBAs; Briarwood Associates LP and Briarwood GP LP. These types of DBA filings usually precede a mobile home park purchase. We cannot locate any publicly available information regarding a Briarwood sale. This is normal, these are referred to as Pocket Listings or Off-Market NNN Properties. If anyone is aware of a Briarwood Mobile Home Park that is for sale or, it may have sold already, please contact the MHPHOA with more information.
Suspicion: We are aware of a Briarwood Mobile Home Park (105 Spaces, Family) located at 2950 Routier Road in Sacramento, California 95827. Kort & Scott currently own two (2) mobile home parks in Sacramento County that we are aware of; Emerald Meadows Mobile Home Park (154 Spaces, Family) in Antelope and Lamplighter Sacramento Mobile Home Park (173 Spaces, 55+) in North Highlands. It would make sense for Kort & Scott to purchase a park within a reasonable radius (15-25 miles) of the two parks they currently own.
Have you ever wondered where the money is coming from to fund the Kort & Scott Financial Group (KSFG) empire? Based on our research, Mr. Chad Thomas Hagwood, Senior Vice President of Originations at Capital One Multifamily Finance, has been responsible for arranging over $829.8MM+ in KSFG funding since 2005.
201 E Arrow Hwy, Glendora, CA 91740
12401 Filmore St, Sylmar, CA 91342
2950 Routier Rd, Sacramento, CA 95827
2804 W First St, Santa Ana, CA 92703
6441 Cypress, Santa Fe, NM 87507
2060 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201
5700 Carbon Canyon Rd, Brea, CA 92823
23701 S Western Ave, Torrance, CA 90501
24200 Walnut St, Torrance, CA 90501
5040 Jackson St, North Highlands, CA 95660
9080 Bloomfield Ave, Cypress, CA 90630
716 N Grand Ave, Covina, CA 91724
19361 Brookhurst St, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
6545 Wilbur Ave, Reseda, CA 91335
320 N Park Vista St, Anaheim, CA 92806
7460 Riverside Loop, Santa Fe, NM 87507
18204 Soledad Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91387
351 E Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92021
2901 Somersville Rd, Antioch, CA 94509
As a Freddie Mac lender, Capital One Multifamily Finance provides a full range of competitively priced mortgage products for the acquisition, refinancing, and rehabilitation of multifamily high-rises and communities. Qualified as a Program Plus® seller/servicer, we were ranked sixth nationally among Freddie Mac lenders in 2013.
Richard "Rick" Lyon
Senior Vice President
Head of Commercial Real Estate
Capital One
Jeff Lee
Capital One Multifamily Finance
Chad Thomas Hagwood
Senior Vice President, Originations
Capital One Multifamily Finance
Tue, Jan 10, 2017 – Did you lose your mobile home in an Unlawful Detainer Eviction Lawsuit filed by Kort & Scott Financial Group (KSFG) dba Sierra Corporate Management (SCM)?
If you feel that your mobile home was taken from you unfairly and you have documentation to support your claims, you may be able to recover up to $75,000 of your losses through the MHRF.
Mon, Jan 9, 2017 Updates – CA AB 587 Proposed Emergency Regulations – The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is proposing to adopt emergency regulations that, if approved, would create and implement procedures for a fee and tax waiver program of manufactured homes or mobilehomes that are not properly registered with HCD’s Registration and Titling Program.
The Proposed emergency regulations will be filed with the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) at least five (5) days after issuance of this Notice. Upon filing, OAL will have ten (10) calendar days to submit comments on the proposed emergency regulations. Comments should be submitted directly to OAL. If approved, OAL will file the regulations with the Secretary of State, and the emergency regulations become effective immediately for one hundred and eighty (180) days.
2017-01-06 – HCD Notice of Proposed Emergency Action
Mon, Nov 7, 2016 – Are you without the title to your mobile home? Have you made a diligent effort in obtaining your title from the seller? Have you found out that there are property tax liens against the mobile home you paid for and that you cannot obtain your title until those liens are paid for in full?
Assembly Bill 587 which was passed by Governor Brown on Wed, Sep 21, 2016, creates a tax abatement program for mobile home owners who cannot transfer title of ownership into their names, due to tax delinquencies incurred by prior owners.
(1) Existing law subjects manufactured homes or mobilehomes sold as new prior to July 1, 1980, to a vehicle license fee and requires annual payment of the fee. Existing law provides that nonpayment of certain fees and penalties, including the vehicle license fee, constitutes a lien on the manufactured home or mobilehome, and prohibits the Department of Housing and Community Development (department) from, among other things, issuing a duplicate or new certificate of title or registration card or amending the permanent title record of the manufactured home or mobilehome that is the subject of that lien.
This bill, when a person who is not currently the registered owner of a manufactured home or mobilehome applies to the department for registration or transfer of registration of the manufactured home or mobilehome prior to December 31, 2019, and meets other specified requirements, would require the department to waive all outstanding charges assessed by the department prior to the transfer of title of the manufactured home or mobilehome, release any lien imposed with respect to those charges, issue a duplicate or new certificate of title or registration card, and amend the title record of the manufactured home or mobilehome.
(2) Existing law provides that mobilehomes and manufactured homes not subject to the vehicle license fee are subject to local property taxation, and requires the department to withhold the registration or transfer of registration of any manufactured home or mobilehome subject to local property taxation until the applicant for registration presents a tax clearance certificate or conditional tax clearance certificate issued by the tax collector of the county where the manufactured home or mobilehome is located. Existing law requires the county tax collector to issue a tax clearance certificate or conditional tax clearance certificate if specified requirements are met.
This bill, when a person who is not currently the registered owner of a manufactured home or mobilehome subject to local property taxation applies to the department for registration or transfer of registration of the manufactured home or mobilehome prior to December 31, 2019, and meets other specified requirements, would require the department to issue a conditional transfer of title. The bill would require a county tax collector to issue a tax liability certificate to a person with a conditional transfer of title who applies for the certificate prior to January 1, 2020. Pursuant to the constitutional authorization described above, this bill would require the payment of only a portion of the taxes, as specified, reasonably owed from the date of sale of the manufactured home or mobilehome. By increasing the duties of county tax collectors, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
Mon, Nov 7, 2016 – AB 587, sponsored by GSMOL, was signed into law this year. It allows for the transfer of title of a home despite delinquent taxes of a previous owner. GSMOL recently attended a meeting at HCD regarding HCD’s initial plans to implement the legislation. Worth noting:
Wed, Sep 21, 2016 – Governor Signs GSMOL Co-Sponsored Bill Granting Tax Relief to Mobilehome Owners – Today, Governor Brown signed AB 587, authored by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Monterey Park), which creates a tax abatement program for mobile-home owners who cannot transfer title of ownership into their names, due to tax delinquencies incurred by prior owners.
Assembly Bill No. 587, Chapter 396 – An act to amend Section 798.15 of the Civil Code, to amend Sections 18092.7, 18116.1, and 18550 of, and to add Section 18550.1 to, the Health and Safety Code, and to amend Section 5832 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, relating to mobilehomes.
Sun, Jan 8, 2017 Updates – On Sat, Jan 7, 2017, the MHPHOA had the pleasure of speaking with Counselor Duffy McCarron at length regarding her case and the predatory business practices of Hart | King. The MHPHOA are offering our services to assist the Counselor with her ongoing investigations and we’ve setup a section on the MHPHOA for Hart | King research and reporting.
Tue, Dec 27, 2016 – On Tue, Mar 1, 2016, an open letter from Nancy Duffy McCarron, CBN 164780, was sent to Kamala Harris, the Attorney General of California. The opening paragraph reads…
On behalf of the PEOPLE of the STATE of CALIFORNIA we petition an investigation of an ongoing racketeering enterprise orchestrated by Robert Williamson, Ryan Egan, John Pentecost and others at HART|KING, 4 Hutton Center Drive, St 900, Santa Ana, CA 92707. The enterprise was designed to steal mobile homes in California and Western United States to enrich wealthy park owners. Park owners pay HART|KING to prosecute unlawful evictions to steal homes from private owners who are rendered homeless after this grand theft of assets.
HART|KING orchestrates this racketeering enterprise to steal mobile homes by: Continue Reading…
Note: Hart | King, A Professional Corporation located at 4 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 900, Santa Ana, California 92707, is the law firm used by Kort & Scott dba Sierra Corporate Management (SCM) to nefariously evict mobile home owners stripping them of their financial assets in the process.
Fri, Jan 6, 2017 – From the 2017 California Mobilehome Residency Law Frequently Asked Questions: Rents, Fees and Taxes, 6. Security Deposit
Resident Question:
Can the park charge first and last months’ rent plus a 2-month security deposit?MRL Answer:
Normally, when a mobilehome owner is accepted for residency in a mobilehome park and signs a rental agreement, charging first month’s rent and a 2-month security deposit are permitted. (Civil Code §798.39) After one full year of satisfactory residency (meaning all rent and fees have been paid during that time), the resident is entitled to request a refund of the 2-month security deposit, or may request a refund at the time he or she vacates the park and sells the home. (Civil Code §798.39(b))
2017 California MRL FAQs
Submit your request for a security deposit refund in writing to Sierra Corporate Management today! The MRL specifically states that SCM must refund your deposit after one full year of satisfactory residency. Do not wait until you vacate the park and/or sell your mobile home.
Thu, Jan 5, 2017 – Have you ever wondered how Kort & Scott are able to execute their egregious predatory business model? It all starts with the employees of the companies owned by Kort & Scott. First and foremost are the employees of Sierra Corporate Management (SCM).
We maintain a database of employee names obtained from online documents and other publicly available sources. As we move closer to achieving our objectives, we expect those employees who are culpable of executing the Kort & Scott predatory business model to be held accountable for their actions – past, present, and future.
One particular employee, Sarah Nguyen, who has been with Kort & Scott for seventeen (17) years, appears to be a key player in the day to day operations of Sierra Corporate Management and the Kort & Scott predatory business model. Sarah Nguyen is the Executive Assistant to the President, Administrative Office Coordinator, and main point of contact for the mobile home park managers.
Sarah Nguyen joined SCM in March 2000 and is currently the Executive Assistant to the President, as well as an Administrative Office Coordinator. She also works closely with other departments and with senior staff to ensure that SCM’s mission is carried out effectively.
Sierra Corporate Management – Our Team – Sarah Nguyen
In addition to Sarah Nguyen, there are many others who are culpable in executing the Kort & Scott predatory business model including but not limited to: Richard K. Pinel (President), Abraham (Abe) Arrigotti (Past President), Drita Svetlana Bronkey (Past Sales Manager), Ricky R. Flandez (Controller), Alexander H. Segal (Director of Acquisitions), Jennifer Kay (Human Resources Manager), Shawn Bui (Property Management Accountant), Patricia Magdaleno (Regional Manager), and Trang Nguyen (Accounts Payable Specialist).
The MHPHOA believe that anyone working in the Corporate Offices of Sierra Corporate Management is a key player in the overall scheme of things – culpable.
Note: If you are a current or past employee of Kort & Scott Financial Group and/or Sierra Corporate Management, we want to hear your side of the story.
Contact the MHPHOA today to begin the process of discovery.
Sierra Corporate Management, Inc.
Rio Vista Mobile Estates
320 North Park Vista Street
Anaheim, California 92806-3722
Phone: 714-575-5130
Fax: 714-575-5139
DBA: Anaheim Associates LLC, Anaheim Associates LP, Anaheim GP Corp
Wed, Jan 4, 2017 – Many home owners in mobile home parks owned by Kort & Scott and managed by Sierra Corporate Management have signed long-term lease agreements. Most of these agreements are for a term of 25 years with a minimum 6.0% compounding space rent increase.
Below we’ve provided ten (10) graphic tables with starting space rents beginning at $1,000 and increasing in $100 increments up to $2,000 based on the 25-year long-term lease agreements. We expect both Fountain Valley Estates ($1,947) and Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park ($1,908) to breach $2,000 per month space rent sometime in 2017.
The MHPHOA have presented these graphic tables to many residents. Most residents are shocked when they see what they’ll be paying over the term of their leases. Few have had their space rent increases presented to them in a format that they can easily view and understand what is happening each year.
$1,000 $1,100 $1,200 $1,300 $1,400 $1,500 $1,600 $1,700 $1,800 $1,900 $2,000
Note: To save the above images, right click the button(s) and choose “Save Link As…”
Use the MHPHOA SCM Space Rent Calculator to determine your space rent increases for the term of your lease agreement. You can change the numbers to reflect your proposed lease terms and then click/tap the “5. How Much Will My Space Rent Be?” button to generate a table similar to those you see above based on your specific terms.
Tue, Jan 3, 2017 – A summarized ordered list view by most recent date of Mobile Home Owner News for the 2016 year with duplicates merged and non-relevant topics removed. You can press Ctrl+F
on your keyboard to bring up the Find/Search dialog and enter the search term to find on this page.
Sun, Jan 1, 2017 – Kort & Scott purchased Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park, a 55+ community, in late 2012 for $25.4MM. Shortly after purchase, residents were informed that the park would be changing from 55+ to an all ages community. Residents formed a group and took their concerns to the Huntington Beach City Council.
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014, the City of Huntington Beach passed Ordinance No. 4019 which provided a “SR Senior Residential Overlay” to protect the seniors from predatory park owners like Kort & Scott who were/are attempting to convert the 55+ parks to all age communities.
Based on publicly available information, it appears that Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park is no longer a 55+ community. Since the ordinance was passed, Kort & Scott have slowly converted the park to all ages in what appears to be a direct violation of the ordinance. See also mobile homes advertised for sale as Family Listings by Blue Carpet Manufactured Homes in Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park.
We’ve included two (2) recent articles showing the history of Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park and how the senior residents have been subjected to the egregious predatory business model of Kort & Scott.
Disclaimer: Kort & Scott may have applied to be removed from the SR Senior Residential Overlay Ordinance No. 4019 and changed their status to an all ages community. The MHPHOA will be obtaining verification of the park’s proper conversion from 55+ to all ages, we will post updates when confirming information becomes available.
Sun, Nov 13, 2016 – As of Nov 2016, here are the space rents for the Kort & Scott owned mobile home parks in California. The lowest space rent is $398 (Laco Mobile Home Park) and the highest is $1,947 (Fountain Valley Estates). We maintain a Timeline of Space Rents in Kort & Scott owned mobile home parks so that you can see the egregious and predatory rent increases that take place usually on a yearly basis.
One example of predatory rent increases causing economic hardships forcing homeowners to sell or abandon their mobile homes would be Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park located at 19361 Brookhurst Street, Huntington Beach, California 92646. Kort & Scott Financial Group (KSFG) purchased Rancho Huntington in late 2012 for $25,400,000 (Fannie Mae ARM).
In Jan 2006, space rents in Rancho Huntington were advertised at $500 per month. In Jan 2013, shortly after the Kort & Scott purchase, space rents were advertised at $1,000 per month. As of Nov 2016, mobile home space rents are now advertised at $1,908 per month, that’s a 91% increase in 3 years since purchase. Overall, the Seniors in Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park have experienced a 282% increase in space rent in 10 years.
Rancho Huntington is classified as a Senior Park (55+). Prospective buyers must prove income at least 3 times the space rent e.g. $1,908 x 3 = $5,724. How many Seniors do you know claim that type of income?
The homeowners are fleeing. Online records indicate that 38 mobiles homes have listed for sale since Jan 29, 2016, that’s 20% of the park and the year is not over with. Our data shows that at least 40% of Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park’s mobile homes have sold since Jan 2013 with at least 7% of them having sold twice (Same Space Turnover).
This exodus of mobile home owners is happening throughout Kort & Scott mobile home parks in the States of California, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.
Fri, Aug 26, 2016 – Huntington Beach, California: Kort & Scott Financial Group (KSFG) purchased Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park in 2012 for $25,400,000 (Fannie Mae ARM).
In January 2006, space rents were advertised at $500 per month. In January 2013, space rents were advertised at $1,000 per month. As of August 2016, mobile home space rents are now advertised at $1,908 per month, that’s a 91% increase in three (3) years and a 280% increase in ten (10) years.
Rancho Huntington Mobile Home Park was a senior park at the time of the KSFG purchase. Prospective mobile home buyers are expected to prove income of 3x the current space rent which equals $5,724.
Sun, Aug 3, 2014 – When the homeowners are driven out by sudden, exorbitant rent increases – as seems to be the actual goal of owners like Saunders LLC or Kort & Scott – they technically have the option of attempting to sell their homes so they can afford to live somewhere else. BUT, incredibly, the park owner has the right to refuse any buyer who doesn’t pass their absurd and arbitrary approval process. So eventually the homeowner, no longer a homeowner, is forced to abandon their property, which becomes the property of the park owner, and the senior shuffles off in shame and penury, sometimes never to be heard from again.
When I trekked a couple miles northeast to Rancho Huntington near the Fountain Valley border, the park under the occupation of Buena Park tycoons Kort & Scott, the park known as the hotbed of HB mobile home activism, I met or heard tell of: 1. A nearly-senile lady who was so shaken by the new owners’ strong-arm tactics that she panicked and sold her expensive home at a fraction of its worth; 2. More than one chipper lady in their 70’s who are now looking for work so they can pay their new exorbitant rents; 3. TWO MORE World War II Vets not as well off as Pacific’s Alvarez, who are really in danger of going homeless any month.
Fri, Nov 22, 2019 – Kabateck LLP attorneys representing hundreds of low-income mobile home residents in Long Beach, California secured a nearly $57 million settlement, which is the largest settlement ever involving a mobile home park.
Sometimes, in mobilehome parks, disputes can arise between mobilehome/manufactured homeowners and park management. To help resolve some of these disputes, California created the Mobilehome Residency Law Protection Program (MRLPP) through the Mobilehome Residency Law Protection Act of 2018, Assembly Bill 3066 (Chapter 774, Statutes of 2018).
Must be a mobilehome / manufactured homeowner residing in a permitted mobilehome park.
Complaints for issues within mobilehome parks related to Mobilehome Residency Law violations (California Civil Code). Common violations include illegal grounds for eviction, failure to provide proper notice of rent increases, or no written rental agreement between the park and mobilehome owner.
Complaints must be submitted to HCD. HCD provides assistance to help resolve and coordinate resolution of the most severe alleged violations of the Mobilehome Residency Law. Visit the How to Submit a Complaint page for details on ways to submit your complaint to HCD.